Could you beee… The most beautiful ice cream in the world? Could you be?? :)) Cand am testat reteta de Nutella low carb am fost atat de inspirata sa fac portie dubla, deci 2 borcanele, asa ca acum mi-a venit ideea acum sa fac inghetata cu Nutella cu unul din ele. Ce pot sa zic, grozava idee, mare inventie, ca sa ma laud singura :)) Deci practic cea mai cremoasa si gustoasa inghetata cu ciocolata. Si fara zahar :)


Batem cu mixerul smantana lichida pana devine ferma, apoi adaugam si crema Nutella. Mixam bine, ne minunam cat de cremoasa e! :) Punem compozitia intr-o caserola si o introducem in congelator 2-3 ore pana se intareste.

Nu trebuie amestecata, nu face ace de gheata. Am servit-o cu inca putina crema Nutella de-a mea si alune de padure. O.M.F.G. Atata am de zis :)))) Inghetata cu Nutella.

*Daca nu aveti timp, chef, robot de bucatarie etc, se gasesc cateva variante de crema de ciocolata fara zahar acceptabile in comert, si anume: Sweet&Safe, Greentella. Dati click pe link si intrati pe pagina magazinului online sa le cumparati, you’re welcome :)

**Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta, Artesana si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Smantana fara caragenan trebuie batuta cu putina zeama de lamaie, pentru a se intari, fiind naturala. Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)


Could you beee… The most beautiful ice cream in the world? Could you be?? :)) So when I tested the recipe for my low carb Nutella I was so inspired to make 2 batches, 2 jars, that is, and today I thought I could make a Nutella ice cream with one of them :) What can I say, such a brilliant idea! SO basically this is the most tasty, creamy and amazing chocolate ice cream :)


Beatm the heavy cream until stiff and fluffy, then add the Nutella. Mix well, be amazed by the creamy consistency :) Put the cream in a dish and palce it in the freezer for about 2-3 hours, until hard.

There’s no need to mix it every once in a while, it will not become icy :) I served mine with extra Nutella and hazlnuts. O.M.F.G. That is all I have to say :)

Nu trebuie amestecata, nu face ace de gheata. Am servit-o cu inca putina crema Nutella de-a mea si alune de padure. O.M.F.G. Atata am de zis :))))

*If you don’t have time, the right mood or food processor, you can use a decent store bought chocolate hazelnut spread, one that has ok-ish ingredients and it sweetened with low carb/keto approved sweeteners.

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