In cadrul campaniei „Fructe in dar” am venit cu o solutie si pentru copiii mofturosi, prin care ii „pacalim” sa manance fructe: inghetata de fructe :) Puteti urmari reportajul Observatorului Special aici, am stat de vorba cu Printesa polonic despre campanie, alimentatia copiilor, am pregatit inghetata de fructe si ne-am distrat tare frumos toate trei, ca fetele :)
- 500g cirese fara samburi
- 500g caise fara samburi
- 1 banana coapta
- 150g afine
- 2-3 lg sirop de artar (optional, dupa gust)
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie / semintele de la 1/2 pastaie de vanilie
Moduri de preparare:
VARIANTA 1: folosind Masina de inghetata. Pasam ciresele, caisele si banana impreuna cu semintele de la pastaia de vanilie, adaugam sirop de artar daca dorim, dupa gust, si introducem crema obtinuta in frigider 1 ora, sa se raceasca, Turnam crema in masina de inghetata (cu vasul tinut in prealabil in frigider), conform instructiunilor producatorului iar la final adaugam si afinele. Se poate servi imediat sau o mai puteti introduce o ora in congelator, pentru o consistenta mai ferma. Am preparat inghetata astfel pentru Observator special, aici :)
VARIANTA 2: folosind Forme pentru inghetata. Pasam ciresele, caisele si banana cu semintele de la pastaia de vanilie, adaugam sirop de artar, incorporam cu o lingura afinele si turnam crema in formele pentru inghetata, pe care le introducem apoi in congelator pana se intaresc. Inainte de servire le trecem sub un jet de apa fierbinte pentru a scoate usor inghetata pe bat din forme.
VARIANTA 3: folosind Robotul de bucatarie. Congelam caisele, ciresele si banana feliata pana sa intaresc, apoi le mixam in robotul de bucatarie alaturi de semintele de la pastaia de vanilie si siropul de artar. Mixam pur si simplu pana obtinem consistenta inghetatei, incorporam afinele cu o lingura si servim imediat. Pofta mare, orice metoda de preparare ati alege! :)
Here’s a simple solution for picky children who don’t like fruit: fruit ice cream :)
- 500 g pitted cherries
- 500g stoned apricots
- 1 ripe banana
- 150 g blueberries
- 2-3 tbsp (optional, to taste)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder / seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean
VERSION 1: using an Ice cream maker. Puree the cherries, apricots and banana along with the vanilla bean seeds, maple syrup and place the cream in the fridge for 1 hour, to chill. Pour the cream in the ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions and in the end fold in the blueberries. It can be served right away or you can put it in the freezer for 1 more hour.
VERSION 2: using Ice cream molds. Puree the cherries, apricots, banana along with the seeds from the vanilla bean, add maple syrup, fold in the blueberries with a spoon and pour the mixture in ice cream molds. Place them in the freezer until hard. Before serving, run some hot water over them, to pop out easily.
VERSION 3: using the Food processor. Freeze the sliced banana, cherries and apricots until hard, then process in the food processor with the vanilla and maple syrup. Simply process until it reaches ice cream consistency. Fold in the blueberries and serve right away. Any method you choose, enjoy! :)