Mai e asa putin si vine vara, o data cu intoarcerea mea „in campul muncii”, asa ca intampin ambele evenimente cu inghetata! :) Dulce, racoritoare si fara zahar, just the way I like it :D Inghetata de portocale e perfecta de savurat undeva la soareeee :) Yummy!
- 200ml smantana lichida*
- 400ml lapte integral
- 75g indulcitor Green Sugar (dupa gust)
- 3 oua
- 2 portocale bio
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt extract de portocale
Punem pe foc la incalzit laptele, separat batem ouale spuma cu indulcitorul, apoi le turnam incet peste lapte. Fierbem crema la foc mic pana se ingroasa putin, iar la final adaugam smantana pentru frisca, sucul si coaja rasa de la cele 2 portocale si esentele.
Lasam crema la racit la temperatura camerei, dupa care o introducem in frigider 2-3 ore. Turnam compozitia in vasul masinii de inghetata* racit in prealabil in congelator, iar cand e gata, dupa vreo 25 de min, o punem intr-o casoleta si o mai tinem in congelator 2 ore. E super buna! :)
Daca nu aveti masina de inghetata, introduceti crema intr-o casoleta in congelator si amestecati-o cu mixerul sau cu o furculita de minim 3 ori, din 30 in 30 de min, pentru a sparge cristalele de gheata. Sau folositi forme pentru inghetata pe bat.
*Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta, Artesana si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Smantana fara caragenan trebuie batuta cu putina zeama de lamaie, pentru a se intari, fiind naturala. Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)
Summer is right around the corner and so is my return to the office, so I am greeting both events with ice cream! :) Sweet, refreshing and sugar-free, just how I like it :D My orange ice cream is perfect to enjoy somewhere in the sun :) Yummy!
- 200 ml heavy cream
- 400 ml full fat milk
- 75 g stevia erythriol (to taste)
- 3 free range eggs
- 2 organic oranges
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp orange extract
Heat the milk over low heat in a saucepan, separately whisk the eggs end sweetener until foamy. Slowly pour the egg mixture over the milk and boil over low heat, until the cream thickens a little. In the end add the heavy cream, juice and grated zest form the 2 oranges and extracts.
Let the cream chill at room temperature, then place in the fridge for 2-3 hours to cool well. Pour the mixture in the previously chilled ice cream maker* according to manufacturer’s instructions and when ready, after about 25 min, place in a pan and put in the fridge for 2 more hours. It’s super delicious! :)
*If you don’t have an ice cream maker, just place the cream in the freezer and mix at least 3 times every 30 min, to break the ice crystals. Or use lollipop molds.