O inghetata aromata si dulce, racoritoare, perfecta pentru aceste zile caniculare: inghetata de rom si stafide. Cu rom adevarat, foarte aromat si special pentru prajituri (gasiti aici), indulcitor natural si stafide suculente. Yu-mmy! :) Alcoolul din rom si crema de branza ajuta foarte mult la consistenta perfecta a inghetatei, fara a fi nevoie sa folosim o masina de inghetata :)


Mai intai punem la rehidratat stafidele in rom, ideal cu o zi inainte de a face inghetata, dar sunt suficiente si cateva ore, daca nu aveti atat timp la dispozitie.

Punem intr-o cratita la foc laptele, smantana lichida, galbenusurile, indulcitorul si amestecam constant cu un tel pana obtinem o crema omogena. Adaugam romul in care au stat stafidele si crema de branza si amestecam bine cu telul.

La final incorporam si stafidele inmuiate in rom si turnam crema obtinuta intr-un vas pe care il introducem in congelator cateva ore bune, cam 4-6, pana obtinem inghetata de consistenta dorita. Eu am mai amestecat o data in inghetata dupa vreo 2-3 ore. Pofta mare! :)

*Reteta inspirata de aici.


A super rich and tasty ice cream, refreshing, perfect for these hot days: rum raisin ice cream. With real rum, so full of flavor, juicy yummy soaked raisins. Yu-mmy! :) The alcohol from the rum and the cream cheese makes the ice cream super rich and with a wonderful consistency, without the need of an ice cream maker :)


  • 100 g raisins
  • 80 ml rum
  • 80 g sweetener
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 250 ml milk
  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder (or 2 tsp vanilla extract)

Fist soak the raisins in rum, ideally overnight, but a couple hours wok, too. Put in a large saucepan the milk, cream, egg yolks, sweetener and vanilla and simmer over low heat until thickened.

Add the rum that the raisins have soaked in, cream cheese, whisk until smooth. At the end fold in the raisins and pour in a dish, place in the fridge for 4-6 hours until set. I gave it a stir after 2-3 hours. Enjoy!

2 Comments on Inghetata cu rom si stafide / Rum raisin ice cream

  1. Buna, Mada. Pot folosi mascarpone/ricotta ca si crema de branza? Tocmai am pus 200 g de caju la inmuiat sa fac branzica dupa reteta ta.:) Sarcina si nastere usoare. Pupici.

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