De cand am masina de inghetata, sunt setata pe „ice cream mode”, aproape ca doar asta mananc! :))) Azi am experimentat inghetata de vanilie, e senzationala! Nu ma mai satur de ea, fina, cremoasa si cu aroma superba de vanilie de la pastai naturale, fara nici o chimicala :) Un deliciu! I will never buy ice cream again, pe bune, deci inghetata mea facuta in casa are 5 ingrediente, in timp ce majoritatea celor din comert au o lista luuunga ce contine tot felul de dubiosenii, no, thank you! :)
- 400ml smantana lichida*
- 400ml lapte integral
- 200g zahar brun (sau ce indulcitor natural preferati)
- 4 galbenusuri
- 1 pastaie de vanilie
Punem pe foc la bain-marie smantana pentru frisca si laptele impreuna cu semintele de la pastaia de vanilie si pastaia goala. Separat batem galbenusurile cu zaharul brun, scoatem pastaia de vanilie si turnam incet galbenusurile batute cu zahar peste amestecul de smantana si lapte. Fierbem crema la foc mic pana se ingroasa putin.
O lasam la racit la temperatura camerei cu o folie de plastic pusa pe suprafata, dupa care o introducem in frigider 2 ore. Turnam compozitia in vasul masinii de inghetata racit in prealabil in congelator, iar cand e gata o punem intr-o casoleta si o mai tinem in congelator 2 ore. Pofta mare la inghetata de vanilie de casa! :)
*Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta, Artesana si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Smantana fara caragenan trebuie batuta cu putina zeama de lamaie, pentru a se intari, fiind naturala. Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)
Since I bought my ice cream maker I am completely set on „ice cream mode”, that’s almost all I eat! :)) Today I tried vanilla ice cream and it’s sensational! I can’t get enough of it, so smooth and creamy, with that natural vanilla flavor from real vanilla beans… Lovely!
I will never buy ice cream again, seriously, my homemade ice cream has 5 ingredients, while most store bought ones have a really long list with all sort of strange chemicals, no, thank you! :)
- 400 ml heavy cream
- 400 ml full fat milk
- 200 g brown sugar (or your favorite natural sweetener)
- 4 egg yolks
- 1 vanilla bean
Heat the cream and milk over a bowl of hot water (bain marie) with the seeds from the vanilla bean plus the empty bean. Separately beat the egg yolks with the sugar, remove the vanilla bean from the pot and slowly pour the egg yolks mixture. Boil the cream at low heat until sit thickens a little.
Let it cool at room temperature with clingfilm on the surface, then put in the fridge for 2 hours. Pour the mixture in the ice cream makers and when it’s ready, place in the freezer for 2 more hours. Enjoy my home made vanilla ice cream! :)