Nu stiu cum sunteti voi, dar eu vara, in ceea ce priveste deserturile, as manca doar fructe de sezon si inghetata :) Cum aveam in congelator un pachet de mere rase din marul meu din curte de la tara … mi-a venit ideea sa fac inghetata de fructe de padure cu mere :) A iesit ceva super, chiar un desert sanatos, light si racoros. Merele rase dau consistenta inghetatei si aroma lor dulce acrisoara se imbina perfect cu cea a fructelor de padure… Mmmmmm :D Inghetata light de fructe de padure si mere.
- 500g fructe de padure congelate
- 500g mere
- 250ml fresh de zmeura
- 300g iaurt grecesc
- 4 lg îndulcitor, dupa gust
Decojim merele, le radem și le calim putin pana se inmoaie. Le lasam la racit, apoi le introducem in congelator. Eu am sarit peste etapa aceasta, pentru ca le am astfel gata preparate de la bunica :)
Dupa ce au inghetat fructele noastre ne apucam de treaba :)
Punem in robot merele si fructele de padure congelate, freshul de zmeura, iaurtul si indulcitorul. Mixam biiine de tot pana obtinem consistenta dorita :)
Din cand in cand oprim robotul si luam compozitia cu o lingura de pe pereti. Daca e prea solida mai punem putin fresh. Daca va place mai dulce, mai puneti indulcitor. Cand e gata, o introducem o ora la congelator, apoi o servim in liniste undeva la soare, mmm :)
I don’t know about you guys, but for me summer desserts mean basically fruit and ice cream :) Since I had in the freezer some apples from my grandmother’s house from the country side… I thought I could make some berry and apple ice cream :) My creation turned out to be a super delicious and healthy dessert, light and oh so cooling. The apples give the ice cream consistency and their sweet&sour flavor perfectly combines with the one of the berries… Mmmmmm :D
- 500 g frozen berries
- 500 g apples
- 250 ml fresh raspberry juice
- 300 g Greek yogurt
- 4 tbsp natural sweetener to taste
Peel the apples, grate and temper them a little in a pan until they get soft. Let them cool, then put them in the freezer. I skipped this part, because I had them prepared like this by my dear grandmother :)
After our fruits are frozen, get down to serious business :)
Place them in the food processor along with the juice, yogurt and sweetener. Process well until you get the desired consistency. Once in a while, stop the processor and mix the cream with a spoon, to make it smooth and even. If it’s too solid, add little more juice.
If you like it sweeter, add more xylitol. When it looks ready, put the ice cream in the freezer for an hour, then enjoy it somewhere in the sun, mmm… :)
Chiar este! :) :*