Ador aroma de caramel si am descoperit recent ca aceasta se poate obtine in mod natural si sanatos din combinatia de curmale si lucuma.
Asa ca am creat aceasta minunatata inghetata raw de caramel, pe care cu siguranta o veti adora si nu va veti reintoarce la cea din comert, plina de chimicale si aditivi :) E foarte densa, asa ca nu veti putea manca mai mult de 1-2 cupe :)
- 200g curmale rehidratate
- 100ml sirop de artar (sau indulcitorul preferat, dupa gust)
- 100g migdale crude macinate
- 250ml lapte de migdale
- 5 lg ulei de cocos
- 3 lg lucuma
- semintele de la o pastaie de vanilie
- 1 praf de sare de Himalaya
Mixam toate ingredientele in robotul de bucatarie sau blenderul de mare putere pana obtinem o consistenta cremoasa, apoi introducem inghetata la congelator pana se intareste suficient, ideal peste noapte.
Nu e nevoie de masina de inghetata sau sa o amestecati din 30 in 30 de min, cantitatea mare de ulei de cocos face inghetata densa si cremoasa just like that :) Pofta mare!
I adore caramel flavor and I recently discovered I can obtain it in a natural and healthy way by combining dates and lucuma. So I created this wonderful raw caramel ice cream I am sure you’ll love and never want to go back to the store bought ice cream, with lots of chemicals and additives . It’s very dense, so you won’t be able to eat more than 1-2 scoops of ice cream :)
- 200 g dates, previously soaked
- 100 ml maple syrup (or favorite sweetener, to taste)
- 100 g ground almonds
- 250 ml almond milk
- 5 tbsp coconut oil
- 3 tbsp lucuma
- seeds from 1 vanilla bean
- 1 pinch of Himalaya salt
Process all the ingredients in the food processor or high speed blender until you obtain a creamy mixture. Put the ice cream in the freezer until hard enough, best overnight.
There’s no need of an ice cream maker or mixing it every 30 min, the large amount of coconut oil make it dense and creamy with no effort :) Enjoy!