Pe canicula aceasta e ceva mai racoritor ca o inghetata? Eu nu cred :) Asa ca am luat un pepene galben zemos si parfumat si i-am facut felul! :)) Inghetata raw de pepene galben. Racoritoate, sanatoasa si buuuna rau :)
- 1 pepene galben mic
- 2 banane coapte
- 3 lg ulei de cocos
- semintele de la o pastaie de vanilie sau 1/4 lgt pudra de vanilie
- sirop de artar si ananas dehidratat pentru servit
Taiem cubulete fructele si le introducem in congelator pana se intaresc. Punem toate ingredientele in robotul de bucatarie si mixam bine de tot. Vom obtine un sorbet delicios :) Servim imediat, eu am decorat cu sirop de artar, ananas deshidratat si vanilie.
Ce ne ramane pastram in congelator, dar inainte de servire scoatem cu 2 ore inainte, taiem cubulete inghetata si o mai mixam inca o data in robotul de bucatarie. Altfel va fi bocna :)) Pofta mare!
Is there anything more refreshing on this hot weather than ice cream? I don’t think so :) I grabbed a juicy and perfumed cantaloupe and chopped it right up! :)) Raw cantaloupe ice cream. Refreshing, healthy and soo delicious! :)
- 1 small cantaloupe
- 2 ripe bananas
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- seeds from 1 vanilla bean
- maple syrup and dehydrated pineapple for serving
Chop the fruits and put them in the freezer until hard, then process all the ingredients in the food processor. We’ll get a wonderful sorbet :) Serve right away, I decorated the ice cream with maple syrup and dehydrated pineapple.
If you have any ice cream left, store in the freezer, but take out 2 hours before serving, chop and process one more time in the food processor. Otherwise it will be as hard as a rock! :)) Enjoy!
Păi ori e sorbet,ori înghețată??
ELena, eu am denumit-o inghetata :) Ii poti spune cum vrei tu ;)