Stiti inghetata Nirvana cu praline? Inghetata de vanilie, sirop caramel si praline crocante… E preferata mea si am vrut sa vad daca o pot face acasa intr-o varianta sanatoasa, cu ingrediente putine si de calitate. Fara exagerare va zic ca a iesit absolut dementiala! Cantitatile sunt pentru 2-3 portii generoase, dar se pot dubla foarte usor :)

Ingrediente (2-3 portii):

  • 400ml crema de cocos (gasiti aici)
  • 1 lg zahar de cocos
  • semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
  • 150g curmale fara samburi
  • 150ml apa plata
  • 75g nuci pecan
  • 2 lg zahar de cocos

Mai intai lasam curmalele in apa cat sa le acopere timp de 2 ore. Pentru inghetata mixam in blender crema de cocos (tinuta la rece), semintele de la pastaia de vanilie cu zaharul de cocos si turnam totul in vasul masinii de inghetata tinut in congelator in prealabil.

Pentru caramel introducem in blender curmalele hidratate, apa si mixam pana obtinem o crema fina de caramel super natural :) Iar pentru toppingul crocant de praline maruntim grosier in robotul de bucatarie nucile si le amestecam cu zaharul de cocos.

Pentru „asamblarea” inghetatei, turnam intr-un vas crema de inghetata, adaugam caramelul si toppingul crocant si, folosind un cutit, marmoram usor compozitia (nu foarte mult), apoi o introducem in congelator minim inca o ora. E superrrr buna, sa o incercati! :)

*Reteta inspirata de aici


Do you like praline ice cream? Vanilla cream, caramel syrup and crunchy pralines… It’s my favorite and I wanted to see if I can make a healthier version at home, with quality ingredients. I really must say my version turned out amazing! The quantities are for 2-3 generous portions, but you can easily double them :)

Ingredients (2-3 servings):

  • 400 ml coconut cream
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar
  • seeds from 1 vanilla bean
  • 150 g pitted dates
  • 150 ml water
  • 75 g pecans
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar

First soak the dates in enough water as to cover them for 2 hours. For the ice cream blend the coconut cream, coconut sugar and vanilla seeds until smooth, then pour the mixture in the previously chilled ice cream maker.

For the caramel sauce blend the soaked dates with water until super smooth. And for the crunchy praline topping roughly chop the pecans with a food processor and mix them with the coconut sugar.

To „assemble” the ice cream pour the cream in a rectangular dish, add the caramel and praline mixture and swirl everything using a fork, then place the dish in the freezer for at least 1 more hour. It’s amazing, do try it! :)

5 Comments on Inghetata vegana cu praline / Vegan praline ice cream

    • Draga Doina, compozitia se pune in congelator intr-un recipient si se mixeaza din 30 in 30 de min de vreo 3 ori cu furculita sau robotul de bucatarie pentru a inlatura cristalele de gheata. Pofta mare!

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