Dragutii de la Solaris mi-au trimis cadou multe bunatati (parca stiau ei ca sunt mare fana de-a lor :) si deja faimosul Dejun Kollath. Un produs foarte ingenios ce contine 2 pungute: una cu grau macinat care trebuie lasat la muiat peste noapte si alta cu fructe uscate, seminte si nuci. Graul devine prin acest procedeu usor digerabil si ne putem bucura din plin de toate beneficiile lui: vitamine, enzime si antioxidanti.
Eu m-am gandit sa fac ceva inedit, dar si simplu in acelasi timp: Cheesecake la pahar. Sanatos, fara zahar, cu multi nutrienti, un mic dejun perfect pentru mine si cred ca si pentru multi dintre voi, nu? :)
Ingrediente (2 portii)
- 1 punguta dejun Kollath
- 250ml crema de cocos
- 100g afine
- 2 lg miere (sau sirop de agave pentru vegani)
- 1/2 lgt scortisoara
Punem la muiat graul in apa (cat sa-l acopere) si putina scortisoara timp de minim 5 ore, ideal peste noapte, apoi impartim amestecul in 2 pahare. Punem cu o lingura crema de cocos deasupra, presaram mixul de fructe uscate, seminte si nuci din pachet, apoi afinele si cate o lingura de miere :) O zi plina de energie! :D
The Kollath method was invented by Dr. Werner Kollath in the 20th century and it consists in making wheat easily digestible by simply soaking it in water overnight. No boiling involved. This way we can benefit from all its amazing properties, vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants.
I thought I’d make something special, but simple, at the same time: Cheesecake in a glass. Healthy, sugar-free, with many nutrients, a perfect breakfast, don’t you think so? :)
Ingredients (2 servings)
- 75 g whole wheat flakes
- 75 g mixed dried fruits, nuts and seeds
- 250 ml coconut cream
- 100 g blueberries
- 2 tbsp honey (or agave syrup for vegans)
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
Soak the wheat flakes in enough water to cover them and a little cinnamon for minimum 5 hours (best overnight), then split the mixture in 2 glasses. Spoon the coconut cream on top, sprinkle the dried fruits, nuts and seeds mix, then finally add the blueberries and a spoonful of honey on each serving :) Have a day full of energy! :D