O bautura simpla, dar tare aromata, gustoasa si sanatoasa: lapte de migdale cu scortisoara. O portie de biscuiti de casa alaturi si un film bun, in timp ce afara ninge feeric… Ce-ti mai poti dori de la iarna? :)

Ingrediente (4 portii):

  • 250g migdale crude
  • 1l apa plata
  • 1/4 lgt scortisoara pudra
  • 2 lg sirop de artar, sirop de agave, etc*

Punem migdalele la hidratat peste noapte intr-un bol, in suficient apa cat sa le acopere. A doua zi le scurgem si le clatim bine. Optional putem sa le curatam de pielite, eu nu am avut nici timp, nici dispozitie :)) De aici avem 2 variante de preparare, folosind:

1. Slow juicerul – turnam cu un polonic din compozitia de migdale si apa in storcator. Amestecam rezultatul obtinut cu inducitorul si scortisoara. Iata aici un tutorial video.

2. Blenderul – Introducem toate ingredientele in blender si procesam bine, apoi strecuram compozitia cu un tifon/ strecuratoare/ punga strecurat lapte vegetal.

Oricum l-ati prepara, nu uitati de biscuiti! :) E grozav si cu cereale sau granola de casa si se pastreaza 2-3 zile in frigider. Pulpa ramasa nu se arunca, o folosim la deserturi raw :) Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: folositi, optional, putin sirop de artar sau miere, avand in vedere faptul ca mierea se ofera copiilor numai dupa varsta de 1 an, cu masura.


A simple drink that’s also tasty and healthy: cinnamon flavored almond milk. Some homemade cookies and a good movie while it’s snowing outside… What more can you dream of on a long winter’s night? :)

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 250 g raw  almonds
  • 1 L water
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp maple, agave syrup etc

Soak the almonds a day before by placing them in a bowl with water just enough to cover them. The next day drain and rinse them thoroughly. You could also remove their skins, I did’t have neither the time nor the mood :)) From this point you have 2 options, using the:

1. Slow juicer – Pour from the water almond mixtyre in the jucer. Mix the obtained liquid with the sweetener and  cinnamon. Here you have a video tutorial.

2. Blender – Place all the ingredients in the blender and process well, then strain the mixture using a cloth, strainer or nut milk bag.

Either way, don’t forget the cookies! :) It’s also great with cereal or homemade granola and you can store it in the freezer for 2-3 days. Don’t throw the pulp, use it in raw desserts :) Enjoy!

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