Madlenele sau Madeleines sunt niste prajiturele sub forma de scoica tare dragalase, fine si cu o aroma suava de lamaie. Desi eu le-am facut in varianta keto, cei care le-au gustat au zis ca sunt delicioase si nu au suspectat nimic! :) Yei! Madlene keto. (45 buc a cate 32 cal, 5 min madlene au 1g net carbs :)

Ingrediente (45 mini buc):

Mixam ouale intregi cu indulcitorul, adaugam untul topit si racit, vanilia. Mai mixam putin, apoi adaugam si faina de migdale, cea de cocos, praful de copt, coaja rasa fin de la 1 lamaie. Compozitia e putin fluida, asa trebuie sa fie. Lasati-o 5-10 min la temperatura camerei.

Va trebuie o tava speciala, eu am una de mini madlene din silicon de la Lidl, dar gasiti AICI cateva variante de tavi: tava normala, forma de silicon si tava pentru mini madlene. Mie mi-au iesit 45 de mini madlene din aceste cantitati, am copt 2 ture si jumatate :)

Ungem tava de madlene cu putin ulei si umplem cu o lingurita cavitatile ei, dar nu pana sus, se vor mai umfla la copt. Batem usor tava de blat, pentru a se aseza uniform compozitia. Coacem madlenele 10 min la 170C, pana sunt ferme la atingere si putin rumene pe margine. Le servim pudrate fie cu indulcitor pudra, fie cu faina de cocos. Pofta mare! :)


Madeleines are very delicate shell shaped cookies with a wonderful lemon flavor. Although I made them keto, who tasted them said they were delicious and suspected nothing! :)) Yei! Keto Madeleines.

Ingredients (45 mini buc):

  • 4 eggs
  • 60 g concentrated stevia erithritol (or 120g regular)
  • 100 g melted butter
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 50 g almond flour
  • 30 g coconut flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • Topping: powdered erhythritol or coconut flour

Mix the eggs and sweetener, then add the melted and chilled butter, vanilla. Mix a little more, then also add the almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder and finely grated zest of a lemon. The mixture is slightly fluid, it’s ok, this is how it should be. Let it sit for 5-10 min at room temperature.

You need a special Madeleine tray, I have a silicone one from Lidl for mini Madeleines and I got 45 mini pcs, I baked 2 and a half batches :)

Grease the pan with a little oil, then spoon the mixture into the cavities, not filling them all the way through. Gently tap the tray on the counter top for the mixture to set evenly. Bake for 10 min at 170 C until firm to the touch and slightly golden brown on the edges. Serve them dusted either in powdered erythritol or coconut flour. Enjoy!

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