Am stat foarte mult pe ganduri inainte sa imi iau un slow cooker si nu regret alegerea facuta :) Chiar este o super inventie, nu degeaba toata lumea il lauda; doar pui ingredientele, il setezi si gata, nu mai ai nici o grija, mancare va fi gata la ora stabilita, poti sa iti vezi de alte treburi. Legumele isi pastreaza forma, nu se fac piure, mancarea iese foarte aromata, carnea super frageda datorita gatirii lente la temperatura mica, iar sotului i-am facut un ostropel care i-a placut foarte tare :D Eu mi-am facut aceasta mancarica delicioasa cu muuuulte legume si a iesit super!
Ingrediente (6 portii):
- 2 conserve de fasole rosie
- 2 tije de telina Apio
- 1 ceapa mare
- 2 morcovi
- 2 radacini de pastarnac
- 1 ardei gras
- 1 dovlecel zucchini
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 300ml suc de rosii
- 1/2 lgt boia dulce
- 1/2 lgt cimbru
- 2 foi de dafin
- sare, piper
Tocam legumele dupa bunul plac, scurgem fasolea de zeama si o clatim. Introducem toate ingredientele in slow cooker adaugam mirodeniile, sucul de rosii, amestecam bine totul si il pornim pe High pentru 2h si 30 min. Atat! :)
Timp in care: am facut curat, am framantat aluatul pentru cozonaci si am dat o fuga la Lidl sa cumpar diverse :) Nu am avut grija ca se arde mancarea, ca trebuie sa mai adaug apa sau sa amestec. Nop, nada! :D Dupa ce s-a scurs timpul am avut o mancare fierbinte extrem de gustoasa si aromata. Yummy! :)
I did a lot of thinking and research before buying a slow cooker and I really don’t regret it :) It is a super invention, no wonder everyone is so excited abut this device. You just put the ingredients inside, program it and that’s it, you’re absolutely care-free, the dish will be ready after a couple of hours, you can do all sorts of other stuff in the meantime. The veggies hold their shape, they don’t become mashed, the food is very tasty, the meat turns out super tender thanks to being cooked at low temperature for a long time. I prepared a chicken garlic stew for my husband and he loved it, and this hearty veggies casserole for me :)
Ingredients (6 servings):
- 2 canned kidney beans
- 2 celery sticks
- 1 large onion
- 2 carrots
- 2 parsnip roots
- 1 bell pepper
- 1 zucchini
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 300 ml tomato juice
- 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
- 1/2 tsp dried thyme
- 2 bay leaves
- salt, pepper
Chop all the veggies, drain and rinse the beans. Place all the ingredients in the slow cooker, add the spices, tomato juice and give it a good stir. Start the device on High for 2h 30 min. That’s it! :)
During all this time I cleaned the house, kneaded the dough for sweet bread and went across the street at he grocery :) I did not have any concern that the food might get burned, that I needed to add water or to stir. Nop, nada! :D When the time was up, I had a super delicious hot meal. Hallelujah! :)))