Mazare cu pui la multicooker. La multi ani, 2021! Pentru ca nu prea am putut gatit lately si am cam zacut in mini vacanta de sarbatori, abia am reusit sa fac un tort pentru revelion, iar cealalta jumatate de zi m-am odihnit dupa „efort” #JurnalDeSarcina :)))))) Dar in ultimul timp am apelat la orice ajutor pentru a face ceva de mancare, iar multicookerul e pe primul loc :) Merg la sigur de fiecare data cu o mancare de mazare cu pui la multicooker, asa ca m-am apucat de treaba si masa a fost gata imediat :) O mancare clasica, ce nu se demodeaza niciodata.


Pornim aparatul pe Brown/Saute 10 min si calim in ulei ceapa tocata si mrocovii rondele, adaugam si pulpele, le rumenim putin pe toate partile. Turnam sucul de rosii, adaugam sarea, mixul de legume uscate (mie imi place Mirodenia).

Punem capacul il rotim spre pozitia Inchis, rotim valva de presiune pe pozitia Inchis si setam aparatul pe Poultry 20 de min, High pressure.

Dupa scurgerea timpului asteptam 5 min, apoi punem un prosop de bucatarie pe capac si rotim cu grija valva de presiune. Cand multicookerul nu mai fasaie, deschidem capacul, adaugam mazarea si mai gatim totul 5 min pe Manual, High Pressure, cu valva de presiune tot inchisa. Procedez astfel pt ca mi se pare ca mazarea iese prea moale si overcooked daca o punem de la inceput ;)

La final adaugam marar proaspat tocat si servim mancarea de mazare cu pui la multicooker calda, e de-li-cioa-sa :) Pofta mare! Poate va place si mancarea de pui cu fasole verde, reteta aici.

Baby friendly: omiteti sarea.


Happy new year! Because I haven’t been able to coo much lately and kinda just lying in bed all day during the winter mini holiday. I managed t make a cake for New Year’s Eve but then rested after the „effort” the other half od the day :))))))) But I have been using any help I could get to cook, and the pressure cooker is my number 1. This comforting pea and chicken stew works like a charm every time in our family, it’s a quick classic meal that never goes out of fashion :)


  • 3chicken whole thighs
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion
  • 300ml tomato juice
  • 450g frozen peas
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp dried veggies food base
  • chopped dill

Start the pressure cooker on Brown/Saute 10 min and saute the diced onion and sliced carrots, add the drumsticks and brown them a little. Add the tomato juice, salt, spice mix.

Put the lid on, rotate to closed position, turn the pressure valve to closed, too and set on Poultry for 20 de min, High pressure.

After the time’s up, wait 5 min, then put a cloth on the lid and carefully rotate the pressure valve to open. When there is no more hissing sound, open the lid, add the peas and cook 5 more min on Manual, High Pressure, with the pressure valve closed. I d this because I think the pea is way overcooked and mushy if you add it from the beginning ;)

In the end, add the chopped dill and seve hot. Enjoy!

2 Comments on Mancare de mazare cu pui la multicooker / Pressure cooker pea & chicken stew

  1. Foarte, foarte bun si usor de facut! Am folosit un pui de curte si a iesit atat de bun incat eu si totul meu am mancat tot, fara sa lasam copiilor. Multumesc!

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