Mancarica picanta de linte

O mancare de post foarte sanatoasa, consistenta si usor de facut. Merge foarte bine cu rosii cherry si crackersi integrali Wassa. Mancarica picanta de linte.

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 200g linte rosie
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 fire de ceapa verde
  • 1 legatura de patrunjel
  • 2 lg fulgi de drojdie inactiva (descoperita recent de mine, da o savoare grozava mancarurilor si are tot felul de beneficii, detalii aici)
  • 1 lg pasta de susan (tahini)
  • 1/2 lgt praf de boia iute
  • sare de Himalaya

Amestecam bine ingredientele: lintea fiarta si scursa (dar nu foarte mult, astfel iese o mancare putin zemoasa), avocado curatat de coaja si taiat cubulete, ceapa verde tocata, patrunjelul tocat si condimentele – fulgii de drojdie inactiva, pasta de susan, sarea si praful de boia. Pofta mare!


A vegan delicious dish, filling and easy to make. It goes perfectly with cherry tomatoes and wholewheat Wassa crackers. Spicy lentil dish.

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 200 g red lentil
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 spring onions
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 2 tbsp inactive yeast flakes (recently discovered, it gives a wonderful flavor and has all sorts of nutritional benefits)
  • 1 tbsp sesame paste (tahini)
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • Himalayan salt

Gently combine all the ingredients: boiled and drained lentil (but don’t drain them too well, this way the dish has more sauce), peeled and chopped avocado, chopped spring onions, parsley and spices – inactive yeast flakes, sesame paste, salt and chili powder. Enjoy!

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