Vremea aceasta mohorata si trista ne-a facut pofta de mere coapte mie si bebelusei :) Din fericire aveam toate ingredientele in casa si m-am executat rapid. Un desert simplu, bun si atat de aromat… Yummy!
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 4 mere verzi
- 4 lg nuci
- 4 lg merisoare deshidratate
- 2 lgt zahar de cocos (sau zahar brun)
- 1 lgt scortisoara
- sucul de la o portocala mica
Taiem merele pe jumatate si le scoatem semintele. Le asezam frumos intr-o tava termorezistenta, le stropim cu sucul de portocale si le umplem cu bunatati :) Nuci tocate si merisoare am avut eu.
Puteti folosi ce doriti sau ce aveti in camara. Presaram zahar deasupra (se va carameliza frumossss de tot) si scortisoara si le coacem aprox 20 de minute, pana devin moi si zemoase. Pofta mare!
This nasty weather has got me and the baby craving for baked apples :) Luckily I had all the ingredients in the house, so I got straight down to business. A dessert that’s simple, tasty and so full of flavor… Yummy!
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 4 green apples
- 4 tbsp nuts
- 4 tbsp dried cranberries
- 2 tsp coconut sugar (or brown sugar)
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- juice from 1 small orange
Cut the apples in halves and remove their cores. Place them on a heat resistant tray, pour the orange juice over and fill them with goodies :) I had chopped walnuts and cranberries, but you can use whatever you have or prefer. Sprinkle sugar on top (it will caramelize sooo nicely) and cinnamon and bake for about 20 min, until tender and juicy. Enjoy!
Merele le taiem pe lungime?
Le taiem cum vrem, nu conteaza :) Eu le-am taiat transversal.