Un desert super dragalas, gata portionat: mini cheesecake cu matcha la multicooker. Am adaugat pudra de matcha pentru culoare si beneficiile nutritionale. Puteti decora aceste mici cheesecakeuri atat de dragute cu ce doriti: dulceata, fructe proaspete, menta, sirop de ciocolata and so on. Noul meu multicooker CrockPot Turbo Express s-a comportat impecabil, il super ador! :)

Ingrediente (7 buc):

  • 100g biscuiti cu ovaz*
  • 40g unt topit
  • 200g crema de branza
  • 50g indulcitor pudra
  • 50g smantana lichida
  • 1 lg faina de cocos*
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie
  • 1 lgt matcha
  •  1 ou
  •  Topping: zmeura, crema de ciocolata fara zahar

Oferta speciala

Noul Crockpot Turbo Express are un pret promotional in luna martie, il puteti descoperi AICI. Va ofer pentru el si codul de EXTRA reducere 10% MADELINE10. Am scris aici despre diferentele intre cele 2 multicookere scu gatire sub presiune de la Crockpot ;)

Mod de preparare

Maruntim biscuitii in robotul de bucatarie sau intr-o punga cu zip, folosindu-ne de un sucitor. Ii amestecam cu untul topit si presam bine compozitia pe fundul formelor de silicon pentru multicooker, pe aceasta de la Crockpot o folosesc eu.

Pentru crema batem cu mixerul crema de branza, indulcitorul, smantana, vanilia, pudra de matcha, oul, faina (am folosit faina de cocos, puteti folosi faina normala sau amidon). Turnam crema peste blatul de biscuiti si unt, astfel incat sa nu umplem pana sus formele, ci doar 3/4.

Infasuram forma in folie de aluminiu (puteti pune intai o foaie de hartie de copt si apoi aluminiul, eu nu am mai avut aluminiu si am pus doar hartie de copt, which is better, mai sanatos :) Turnam 250ml apa in vasul multicookerului si asezam gratarul, apoi forma de silicon pentru briose. Punem capacul, il rotim spre pozitia „Inchis”, rotim si valva de presiune spre pozitia „Inchis”.

Alegem modul Manual, High Pressure, 8 minute. Dupa ce aparatul a piuit de finalizare a programului, il lasam 10 minute, apoi rotim cu grija valva de presiune spre pozitia „Deschis”, cu o manusa de bucatarie. Scoatem capacul, apoi forma de silicon din aparat, inlaturam folia si trecem cu cutitul peste marginile fiecarui mini cheesecake. Le scoatem cu multa grija din forma, sunt tare fragile, si le servim cu dulceata, zmeura si/sau sirop de ciocolata :) Pofta mare!

*Pentru o varianta low carb folositi faina de cocos si niste biscuiti keto, ca acestia, de exemplu, eu ii folosesc la salamul de biscuiti keto :) Puteti face un cheesecake normal si intr-o forma rotunda cu 18cm diametru, cu baza detasabila. Mini cheesecake cu matcha la multicooker.


A super cute dessert, already portioned: pressure cooker matcha cheesecake bites. I added matcha powder for a nice color and the nutritional benefits :) You can decorate these lovely bites with anything you like: preserve, fresh fruit, mint, chocolate syrup and so on. My new was impeccable, I soooo love it! :)

Ingredients (7 pcs):

  • 100 g oat cookies*
  • 40 g melted butter
  • 200 g cream cheese
  • 50 g powdered sweetener
  • 50 g heavy cream
  • 1 tbsp coconut flour*
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp matcha
  •  1 egg
  •  Topping: raspberries, sugar free chocolate spread

Crumble the cookies in a food processor or in a zip lock bag, with a rolling pin. Mix with the melted butter and press well the mixture onto the bottom of the pressure cooker 7 bites mold. For the filling beat the cream cheese, sweetener, heavy cream, vanilla, matcha powder, egg and flour (I used coconut flour, but you can use plain flour or cornstarch)

Pour the filling in the molds over the crust, filling them only 3/4. Wrap the mold in aluminum foil (I didn’t have any and used baking paper, which was even better and healthier :) Pour 250 ml water in the pressure cooker, add the rack and place the mold on top.

Put the lid on, rotate to Closed, rotate the pressure valve to Closed position, too. Choose Manual, High Pressure, for 8 minutes. After the pressure cooker finished the program and you hear a Beep, let it 10 min, the carefully release the pressure valve.

Take the mold from the cooker using kitchen mittens, remove the foil/paper and run a kitchen over the edges of each cheesecake. Let them cool, then really carefully flip the on a platter. A couple of mine broke :)) Serve them with whatever you like, they are super yummy. Enjoy!

*For a low carb version use coconut flour and keto cookies, like these. You can also bake a regular cheesecake in an 18 cm spring form pan.

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