Din ciclul ce mai mananca mamele care alapteaza, va recomand aceasta reteta de mini gustari cu ovaz si arahide, fara coacere, vegane si super super hranitoare :) Am pus link catre toate ingredientele, pentru a vedea ce am folosit. Aceste mini gustari sunt foarte satioase, dar satisfac pofta de dulce si le puteti tine in congelator, sa aveti mereu la indemana ceva dulce super sanatos :)

Ingrediente (10 buc):

Pasam banana cu furculita, adaugam si untul de arahide (sa fie unul natural, din 100% arahide, fara zahar), indulcitorul folosit si extractul de vanilie. Adaugam si pudra de cacao sau carob. Daca bebelusul nu tolereaza cacao (e pe testate), folositi carob sau omiteti pur si simplu.

Pasam bine tot, adaugam apoi restul ingredientelor uscate: fulgii de ovaz, semintele de canepa, chia, in, fulgii de cocos si picaturile de ciocolata (daca folositi, cu aceeasi mentiune ca si la cacao :) Verificati si ingredientele, unele contin lapte, deci nu sunt de post/vegane/fara lactoza, FYI.

Amestecam bine tot si luam cu o lingura de inghetata bilute maricele din compozitie, le asezam pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si introducem totul in congelator doar vreo 20 de minute. Se pot pune si in forme de silicon, presate bine si ies mai tapanoase, acestea sunt mai aerate putin :) Presaram fulgi de cocos deasupra si le servim. Pofta mare!

*Reteta inspirata de aici.


If you were wondering what breastfeeding moms are eating lately, check out this no bake easy recipe: no bake peanut butter oat bites. Super healthy, vegan, dairy free and so nutritious :) They are very filling, satisfy your sweet tooth and are a good snack to store in the freezer for emergency times :)))

Ingredients (10 pcs):

  • 100 g oatmeal
  • 170 g natural peanut butter
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tbsp cocoa/carob
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2-3 tbsp honey (or favorite sweetener, to taste)
  • 25 g hemp seeds
  • 30 g desiccated coconut
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp flax seeds
  • 30g sugar free chocolate chips*
  • more desiccated coconut for the topping

Mash the banana with a fork, add the peanut butter (make sure it’s a natural one, 100% peanuts), sweetener, vanilla. Add the cocoa or carob. If you baby does not tolerate cocoa (you need to test that), use carob or simply skip this ingredient.

Mash everything well, then add the rest of the dry ingredients: oatmeal, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, coconut flakes and chocolate chips (if you use, it’s the same as for cocoa. Also, check the ingredients, some contain milk so that makes them non vegan and with lactose, FYI).

Mix mix mix and spoon out balls of the mixture with an ice cream scoop. Place them on a tray lined with baking paper and freeze for just 20 min. Sprinkle more coconut on tp and serve. Enjoy!

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