Pentru ca mi-am luat aceste forme dragalase de mini tarte de la Lidl, le-am tot pus la treaba, iar azi am facut niste mini tarte cu broccoli si somon, fara crusta. Practic am adunat ce resturi aveam prin frigider si au iesit aceste minunatii de tarte, super gustoase, mie mi-au placut atat de mult incat deja le-am facut de 2 ori saptamana asta :)

Ingrediente (4 buc):

  • 125g file de somon*
  • 200g broccoli
  • 3 oua mari
  • 150g smantana
  • 50g masline fara samburi
  • 50g branza Cheddar
  • cateva fire de marar

Fierbem broccoli la aburi cam 3-5 min, pana intra usor furculita in el. Maruntim coditele si tocam grosier buchetelele. Rupem somonul bucatele, apoi batem bine ouale cu smantana si le amestecam cu: somonul, broccoli-ul, maslinele feliate si maraul tocat.

Impartim compozitia in 4 forme de silicon pentru tarte (diametru 12cm), punem deasupra cubuletele de branza si coacem totul cam 30-35 de min la 170C, pana se rumenesc frumos si sunt ferme la atingere. Se servesc calde sau reci, cu marar proaspat tocat deasupra si smantana :) Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: Eu am folosit file de somon norvegian afumat la cald de la Lidl, e foarte bun si are gust de somon la gratar. Pentru copii mici folositi somon proaspat (crud sau gatit), cel afumat e cam sarat.


Because I bought these cute little tart molds from Lidl, I’ve been testing them a lot lately and today I made some super delicious, crust less, broccoli salmon mini quiches. They turned out so good I already made the recipe twice this week :)

Ingredients (4 pcs):

  • 125 g salmon file*
  • 200 g broccoli
  • 3 large eggs
  • 150 g sour cream
  • 50 g pitted olives
  • 50 g Cheddar cheese
  • a couple of dill threads

Boil the  broccoli for 3-5 min until tender. Mash the stems and roughly chop the florets. Dice the salmon, then whisk the eggs and sour cream. Combine all the ingredients and divide the mixture into 4 round silicone tart molds (12 cm diameter).

Place the Cheddar cut into tiny cubes on top of the tarts and bake them for 30-35 min in the preheated oven at 170 C, until golden and firm to the touch. Serve them warm or cold, with extra sour cream and chopped dill. Enjoy!

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