Vine weekendul si se anunta unul tare calduros si insorit, rontaim ceva bun la un film sau in parc, la iarba verde? Daca raspunsul e DA, am pentru voi o reteta super simpla dar extrem de gustoasa: mix dulce sarat de seminte si nuci. Puteti folosi orice nuci si seminte aveti prin camara, iar mierea poate fi de inlocuita cu sirop de artar, de agave, nectar de cocos etc. Ati inteles voi ideea :)


  • 400g mix de nuci si seminte crude (migdale, caju, muguri de pin, seminte de floarea soarelui, seminte de dovleac etc.)
  • 2 lg miere
  • 3 lgt sare de Himalaya

Punem toate semintele si nucile intr-un bol, adaugam mierea, 2 lingurite de sare si amestecam bine de tot.

Intindem totul intr-un singur strat pe o tava mare tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem amestecul aprox 15 min la 170 C cu ventilatia pornita pana se rumenesc frumos toate ingredientele. La jumatatea timpului le amestecam cu o furculia pentru a se coace uniform.

Mai presaram o lingurita de sare deasupra si le lasam la racit, amestecand in ele cu o furculita din cand in cand pana se racesc, pentru ca se lipesc intre ele nucile si semintele. Rontaiala placuta! :)


The weekend is right around the corner and the weather will be super pleasant and sunny, do you want a delicious treat to nibble on? If the answer is yes, I have a super simple and tasty recipe: sweet and salty mixed nuts and sees. You can use any nuts and seeds you have in your pantry and the honey can be replaced with maple syrup, agave, coconut nectar etc.


  • 400 g mixed raw nuts and seeds (almonds, cashews, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds etc.)
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 3 tsp Himalayan salt

Place the nuts and seeds in a large bowl, add the honey and 2 teaspoons of salt and toss everything well. Arrange the mixture on a large tray lined with baking paper and bake for about 15 min at 170 C (ventilation on), or until nicely brownish. Give them a mix halfway, to bake evenly.

Sprinkle one more teaspoon of salt on top and let them cool. They need to be mixed a couple of times with a fork while cooling, because the tend to stick. Dig in! :)

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