Ilinca e innebunita dupa morcovi, ii pescuieste din toate supele, ciorbele si tocanitele si striga „Moco!” atunci cand vede ceva portocaliu in mancare :))) Si mie imi plac, iar azi i-am preparat la cuptor. Dulceata si aroma morcovilor se imbina perfect cu sosul acrisor si mentolat de iaurt. Pot fi o garnitura minunata sau chiar o masa in sine, alaturi de salata verde. De multe ori mancarurile simple sunt cele mai bune, nu? :)

Ingrediente (2-3 portii):

  • 1 kg morcovi
  • 2 lg ulei de masline
  • 1 lg miere
  • sare, piper
  • 150g iaurt grecesc
  • sucul de la 1/2 lamaie
  • cateva frunze de menta
  • 75g branza Feta

Curatam morcovii de coaja si ii taiem bucati potrivite, pe cat posibil egale, apoi ii mozolim bine cu ulei de masline, sare, piper si miere. Ii punem intr-o tava termorezistenta si ii coacem aprox 40-50 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C, pana se rumenesc frumos, in functie de dimensiunea bucatilor. Ii testam cu furculita pentru a vedea daca sunt facuti in interior.

Pregatim sosul amestecand iaurtul, sucul de lamaie si menta tocata marunt. Servim morcovii calduti cu acest sos, menta tocata si branza feta faramitata. Delicios si atat de fresh! Sa avem pofta :)

*Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric. Mierea e interzisa inainte de 1 an, folositi sirop de artar.


Ilinca is crazy for carrots, she picks them from all soups and stews :)) I like them too, so today I roasted them in the oven. Their natural sweetness perfectly matches the sour minty dip. They make a wonderful side dish or even main course, next a large salad. Sometimes simple is better, don’t you think so? :)

Ingredients (2-3 servings):

  • 1 kg carrots
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • salt, pepper
  • 150 g Greek yogurt
  • juice from 1/2 lemon
  • a couple of mint leaves
  • 75 g Feta cheese

Peel the carrots and cut them into medium equal pieces, then coat them in olive oil, honey, salt and pepper. Bake them for about 40-50 min in the preheated oven at 170 C, until they are nicely roasted. Test them with a fork to see if they are cooked through.

Prepare the dip by mixing the yogurt, lemon juice and chopped mint. Serve the carrots warm with this dip, extra chopped mint and crumbled Feta cheese. Super fresh and yummy! :)

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