A venit momentul pentru o rontaiala inedita :) Nautul e un aliment foarte versatil si hranitor, poti face din el humus, salate, tocanite, chiar si prajituri si bezele :) Iata si o idee de ceva crunchy, aromat si usor dulceag: naut crocant cu scortisoara. Foaaarte bunnn si cu cantitati usor de dublat ;)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 1 conserva de naut bio
- 1 lg ulei vegetal
- 2 lg miere (sau sirop de artar, agave)
- 1 lgt scortisoara
- 1 praf de piper
Scurgem nautul bine si il uscam cu un servetel sau prosop de bucatarie. Separat amestecam uleiul, mierea, scortisoara si piperul. Mozolim bine nautul cu acest sos si intindem totul pe o tava mare tapetata cu hartie de copt intr-un singur strat.
Coacem nautul cam 40-45 de min la 170C cu ventilatia pornita, scuturand tava din 10 in 10 min, pentru a se coace uniform. E gata cand bobitele sunt rumene si miezul nu mai e moale. Pofta mare! :)
It’s time for an interesting snack :) Chickpeas are super nutritious and oh so versatile, you can make hummus, salads, stews, even cakes and meringue :) Here’s a delicious snack idea: roasted cinnamon chickpeas. Super tasty and with quantities that are so easy to double ;)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 1 can of chickpeas (organic)
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 tbsp honey (maple, agave syrup)
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 pinch of pepper
Drain the chickpeas and toss it with a napkin or cloth. Separately whisk the oil, honey, cinnamon and pepper. Coat the chickpeas into this dip and arrange everything on a large tray lined with baking paper, Sin a single layer.
Bale the chickpeas for about 40-45 min at 170 C, ventilation on, giving the tray a shake every 10 min, to roast evenly. It’s done when the chickpeas are brownish and crisp, with no longer soft cneters. Enjoy!