Pentru acest weekend va propun sa va rasfatati cu o negresa cu faina de cocos, super delicioasa, cu o consistenta perfecta, NU uscata, cum se intampla sa iasa frecvent aluaturile cu faina de cocos… :) E super buna, iar faina de cocos e mult mai ieftina si mai spornica fata de faina de migdale, e nevoie de o cantitate foarte mica, deci va recomand sa aveti asa ceva in camara :) (16 patratele a cate 2 g carbs net si 84 cal)


Separam cele 3 oua si batem totalul de 5 albusuri cu un praf de sare, adaugam treptat si indulcitorul si mixam pana avem o bezea fina si lucioasa. Micsoram viteza mixerului si adaugam si untul topit si racit usor, galbenusurile, vanilia, romul.

Incoporam usor si faina de cocos cernuta, pudra de cacao si praful de copt. Turnam compozitia intr-o tava patrata (20*20 cm) tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem negresa cam 25 min la 170C, pana trece testul scobitorii.

O scoatem din tava, dupa ce s-a racit putin o taiem cubulete si o servim. Eu am adaugat niste ciocolata fara zahar topita pe fiecare cubulet, cate o nuca si am presarat fulgi de cocos deasupra :) Pofta mare la a mea super negresa cu faina de cocos!


For this weekend I suggest you indulge yourselves with this amazing keto coconut flour brownie. It’s super delicious, with a rich texture and it’s NOT dry, how it often happens to coconut flour baking… :) And besides, coconut flour is a lot cheaper than almond flour, which makes it perfect and useful to have in your pantry :)


  • 3 eggs + 2 egg whites
  • 100 g stevia erithritol
  • 50 g butter
  • 30 g coconut flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 30 g cocoa
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp rum essence

Separate the 3 eggs and beat the total of 5 egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form stiff peaks. gradually add in the sweetener and mix until you get a nice stiff meringue. Lower the mixer speed and add the melted and cooled butter, egg yolks, vanilla and rum.

Gently fold in the sifted coconut flour, cocoa, baking powder. Pour the mixture in a square pan (20*20 cm) lined with baking paper and bake at 170 C for about 25 min, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.

Remove form the pan, let it cool, then slice and serve. I added some melted sugar free chocolate on each piece, a whole walnut and sprinkled desiccated coconut all over the brownie bites. Enjoy!

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