Negresa keto cu avocado. Aveam 3 avocado mici de tot si foarte coapte, si cum imi era pofta de ceva dulce, mi-am amintit de la fursecurile cu ciocolata si avocado cat de misto e consistenta data de avocado deserturilor. Asa ca the next thing to do stiam ca este oooooo… Negresa keto cu avocado :) Se face foarte usor si e dementiala la gust! (9 patratele a cate 2g net carbs si 192 cal)
- 160g avocado (doar pulpa)
- 100g banuti de ciocolata fara zahar
- 3 oua
- 30g ulei de cocos
- 2 lg cacao
- 70g eritritol
- 60g faina de migdale
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt esenta de rom
- Topping: ciocolata fara zahar topita, nuci
Incalzim intr-o craticioara banutii de ciocolata fara zahar si uleiul de cocos, amestecam pana ciocolata se topeste. Separat mixam in blender/robotul de bucatarie: pulpa de avocado, ouale, indulcitorul, pudra de cacao, vanilia, romul, faina de migdale.
Obtinem o sarlota delicioasa (iti vine s-o mananci! dar nu e indicat, ca are oua crude :)) Incorporam in sarlota amestecul de ciocolata topita usor, cu un tel. Ungem cu ulei si tapetam cu hartie de copt o tava (20*20cm), turnam compozitia in ea si o nivelam frumos.
Coacem negresa cam 40 de min la 170C, pana trece testul scobitorii. Trebuie lasata sa se raceasca de tot inainte de a decora si taia. Turnam glazura de ciocolata topita si presaram nuci tocate deasupra. Vedeti ce mic si blond ajutor am eu :) O taiem cubulete si o servim, e geniala!
I had 3 very small and overly ripe avocados, and, craving for something sweet, I remembered the lovely consistency avocados give desserts :) So I new the next thing to do was…. Keto avocado brownie! (9 squares of 2 net carbs and 192 cal each).
- 160 g avocado pulp
- 100 g sugar free chocolate
- 3 eggs
- 30 g coconut oil
- 2 tbsp cocoa
- 70 g erythrithol
- 60g almond flour
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp rum essence
- Topping: melted chocolate, walnuts
Heat the chocolate chips and coconut oil in a saucepan until melted. Separately blend the avocado pulp, eggs, cocoa powder, sweetener, vanilla, rum and almond flour.
You’ll get a lovely thick pudding (you want to eat it, but it’s not recommended because it has raw eggs :)) Fold in the melted chocolate mix and combine until smooth and silky. Grease a square pan (20*20 cm) with oil and line with baking paper. Pour the batter in it and level it nicely with a spatula.
Bake the brownie for about 40 min at 170 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. let it cool completely before decorating and slicing. My little blond help drizzled melted chocolate and chopped walnuts over it :) Slice and enjoy!