Poftesc la niste nuci umplute de foarte mult timp, si acum ca mi-am achizitionat si ustensila speciala pentru preparatul lor (detalii mai jos), m-am apucat de treaba :) Sunt putin migaloase, desi nu atat de mult pe cat ma asteptam, si merita. Eu am facut varianta keto, fara zahar, faina alba, gluten si cereale si le-am umplut cu crema de ciocolata fara zahar :) Un mega dezmat culinar guilt-free: Nuci umplute keto!
Aluat coji:
- 100g faina de migdale
- 40g faina de cocos
- 1 lgt guma xantan
- 1 ou
- 60g unt
- 40g eritritol (sau indulcitorul preferat)
- 2 lg gris NoCarb* (gasiti doar aici)
- 1/4 lgt sare
- 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt otet din cidru de mere
- 80g ciocolata fara zahar
- 50g unt
- 60g nuci macinate
- 1 lg rom sau esenta
Amestecam toate ingredientele pentru aluat: fie cu robotul pentru bucatarie, fie cu ustensila pt aluat, fie cu degetele :) Pare nisipos la inceput, dar framantand vom obtine un aluat neted, putin moale si maleabil.
Modelam bilute de 4-5g pe care le punem in forma unsa cu unt (doar la prima tura), inchidem forma si o asezam pe aragaz direct pe flacara. Le gatim pana se rumenesc frumos ca in imagine, intorcand forma pe ambele parti. Fiti cu ochii pe ele sa nu se extra rumeneasca :)
Repetam pana terminam aluatul. Mie mi-au iesit 70 de jumatati, deci 35 de nuci. Inlaturam cu o foarfeca de bucatarie (mult mai usor decat cu un cutit) excesul de pe marginea cojilor, daca e cazul, si maruntim resturile pentru a le adauga in crema. Nu risipim nimic :)
Pentru crema amestecam pe foc intr-o craticioara nonaderenta untul si ciocolata pana se topesc, apoi adaugam nuca macinata, romul, resturile de la coji maruntite si amestecam bine.
Daca e prea fluida crema o introducem la rece pana devine suficient de ferma. Umplem cojile cu crema de ciocolata, unim cate 2 jumatati si gata. Sunt mai bune dupa cateva ore, pentru ca astfel cojile se inmoaie putin de la crema. Enjoy! :)
- Puteti folosi fie o forma ca a mea (am luat-o de aici), fie un aparat electric (gasiti aici); eu am fost foarte multumita de forma si nici nu ocupa mult loc :)
- Cel mai bine e sa faceti probe cu forma voastra pentru a vedea care e greutatea care face cojile perfecte, adica lasa cel mai putin exces pe margine, la mine a fost de 4-5g.
- Nu omiteti grisul NoCarb, el e cel care usuca putin compozitia si o face foarte maleabila; il mai puteti substitui cu mixul de faina fara carbohidrati
- Pentru a mai economisi timp, le puteti umple si cu o crema de ciocolata fara zahar ca Greentella sau Sweet&Safe :)
- Am facut intai varianta clasica de nuci umplute, apoi pe cea keto si va zic sincer ca diferenta de gust e insesizabila! :D Yeiiii!
- Iata ce mai sus ce frumos arata si umplute cu nuci macinate si gem de afine fara zahar! :) Sunt foarte bune si asa :)
I’ve been craving the walnut shaped cookies or quite some time and now that I got the special mold for making them I had to try them right away :) They require a little work, but not as much as I expected and it’s so worth it :) I made the keto, low carb, sugar/grain/gluten free version and filled them with a wonderful walnut chocolate spread :) A super decadent guilt free treat: Keto walnut shaped cookies!
- 100 g almond flour
- 40 g coconut flour
- 1 tsp xanthan gum
- 1 egg
- 60 g butter
- 40 g erythritol or (favorite sweetener)
- 2 tbsp NoCarb semolina*
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 80 g sugar free chocolate
- 50 g butter
- 60 g ground walnuts
- 1 tbsp rum or rum essence
Mix all the ingredients for the dough using your hand, a dough tool or a food processor :) It may seem too dry in the beginning, but kneading well you’ll get a smooth, soft, easy to mold texture.
Form tiny 4-5 g balls and place them in the mold that has been greased with butter (only for the first round). Close the mold and cook on the stove until golden brown, like in the photos above, flipping them on both sides. Keep an eye on them not to burn :)
Repeat until you finish the dough, I got 70 halves, so 35 cookies. Using a clean kitchen scissors remove the excess dough on the sides (much easier than with a knife). Grind the excess to add in the filling, we don’t waste anything :)
For the filling melt the butter and chocolate in a nonstick saucepan over low heat, the add the ground walnuts, rum and leftover grind crust. If too fluid, chill until more firm.
Fill the nutshells with this cream, then unite 2 halves. They are even better after a coupe of hours, because the filling makes the crust more moist :) Enjoy! :)
- You can use a metal mold or a special electric cookie maker, I am very please with my mold, it’s tiny and takes up little space :)
- It’s best to test the ideal amount of dough that makes the perfect shape for you mold, mine was 4-5g.
- Don’t skip the NoCarb semolina, it dried the dough and makes it easy to mold. You can also use the Nocab flour mix.
- To save up some time, you can use store bought sugar-free chocolate spread :)
- I made first the classic walnut shaped cookies and then the keto one and I have to admit the taste difference is unnoticeable! ! :D Yeiiii!
Ce pot folosi in loc the gris keto. Nu gasesc in Canada.
Multumesc frumos.
Faina de cocos. Pupici!
Cu drag Simona, sarbatori fericite!