Pofta de dulce poate fi satisfacuta usor si in mod sanatos cu o lingurita, doua de Nutella facuta in casa :) Am folosit de data aceasta migdale, ca sa mai variez si pentru ca oricum imi plac la nebunie: contin multa vitamina E, calciu, reduc senzatia de foame… Si mi-a iesit o bunatate de Nutella de migdale :)


  • 250g unt raw de migdale (facut in casa sau cumparat)
  • 2 lg carob
  • Green Sugar picaturi, dupa gust si preferinte
  • 2-3 lg lapte de cocos in functie de consistenta dorita (sau apa plata)

Mixam bine totul in robotul de bucatarie sau blender de mare putere. Punem crema obtinuta intr-un borcan inchis ermetic si o savuram cum si cu ce dorim :) Pofta mare!


The sugar craving can be satisfied in a natural and healthy way with a couple of teaspoons of homemade Nutella :) I used almonds this time because I totally love them and they contain so much vitamin E, calcium, they reduce hunger… My almond Nutella turned out amazing :)


  • 250 g raw almond butter (homemade or bought)
  • 2 tbsp carob
  • stevia liquid sweetener, to taste
  • 2-3 tbsp coconut milk (or water), to the desired consistency

Mix everything in the food processor or high speed blender. Store the cream in a jar and enjoy with whatever you like :)

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