Pentru ultimele zile din aceasta binevenita vacanta, am pregatit o delicioasa omleta cu sparanghel :) Servita calda, cu rosioare gustoase, masline si o cafea tare, eeeh, iata un mic dejun pe cinste, pe gustul meu :) Omleta cu sparanghel.

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 1 legatura mica de sparanghel
  • 3 oua
  • 3 lg mozzarella rasa
  • 2 fasii de bacon
  • 1 lgt ulei de masline
  • sare, piper

Spalam sparanghelul si il indoim, flexandu-l pana se rupe; se va rupe exact acolo unde trebuie astfel incat vom avea 1: varful cu partea proaspata si 2: partea lemnoasa care se arunca. Eu am avut un sparanghel cam vechi si a fost mititica partea proaspata :)

Incingem uleiul in tigaie, punem firele de sparanghel la foc mic si le gatim cam 3 min cu capacul pus. Adaugam apoi baconul tocat marunt si mai lasam totul pe foc 1 min.

Batem ouale, adaugam sare, piper si 2 linguri de mozzarella. Pe a 3a o pastram pentru topping :) Turnam amestecul de oua peste sparanghel si bacon si gatim totul cu capacul pus pana omleta se umfla si se rumeneste foarte putin pe margini.

Oprim focul si o intoarcem pe partea cealalta, lasand-o doar 1 min. Presaram restul de mozzarella deasupra, o taiem in 2 si o servim cu rosii, masline sau ce mai doriti :) Pofta mare!


For the last days of this mini holiday, I prepared a super delicious asparagus omelette :) Served warm, with tasty tomatoes and olives, plus a strong coffee, now that’s my kind of breakfast! :)

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 1 small bunch of asparagus
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp grated mozzarella
  • 2 bacon strips
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • salt, pepper

Wash the asparagus and flip it until it snaps. It will snap exactly where it should, so that we get 2 parts, a tender part and woody part, we’ll throw the lats one. I had some old asparagus and the tender part was tiny :)

Heat the oil in a pan, add the asparagus and cook with the lid on for 3 min. Add the finely chopped bacon and cook 1 more min.

Beat the eggs, add salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of grated mozzarella. Save the 3rd for the topping :) Pour the egg mixture over the asparagus and bacon and cook with the lid on until it puffs nicely and browns just a little on the edges.

Stop the fire and flip on the other side, but let it cook for max 1 more min. Sprinkle the rest of the mozzarella, cut in 2 and serve with tomatoes, olives or whatever you like :) Enjoy!

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