Daca tii post si te-ai saturat de sandvisuri dimineata, omleta din tofu e solutia ideala! :) Foarte satioasa si hranitoare, contine proteine vegetale si e foarte buna la gust, mie imi place mult cu paine prajita si rosii gustoase de sezon :) Poate fi servita chiar si la pranz, cu o salata bogata alaturi. Enjoy!
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 300g tofu natur
- 1 ceapa mica
- 2 lg ulei de masline
- 1/2 ardei capia
- 1/4 lgt turmeric (optional, pentru culoare)
- cateva fire de marar
- 2-3 lg lapte vegetal
- sare si piper dupa gust
Tocam marunt ceapa si o calim in tigaia in care am pus uleiul de masline. Cand ceapa s-a inmuiat putin, adaugam ardeiul tocat si branza tofu faramitata bine cu furculita.
Adaugam sare, piper, putin turmeric pentru culoare, laptele vegetal si gatim totul inca 2-3 min, amestecand mereu. La final adaugam mararul tocat marunt si servim omleta calda. Buna dimineataaa! :)
Galerie foto
If you’re vegan and tired of eating sandwiches in the morning, tofu „scrambled eggs” is the perfect solution! :) Very nutritious and filling, I love it with fresh toast and tasty tomatoes. You can even have it for lunch, next to a rich salad. Enjoy!
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 300 g firm tofu
- 1 small onion
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 red pepper
- 1/4 tsp turmeric (optional, for the color)
- a few dill threads
- 2-3 tbsp vegetable milk
- salt and pepper to taste
Finely chop the onion and saute it in the pan in olive oil. When slightly softened, add the chopped pepper and crumbled tofu.
Add salt, pepper, turmeric for color, vegetable milk and cook everything for about 2-3 min, constantly stirring. In the end ad the freshly chopped dill and serve warm. Good morning! :)