Ce bine era daca descopeream slow cookerul* in cei 2 ani de stat acasa cu Ilinca :D Puneam mancarea la facut dimineata, ieseam in parc, iar la pranz o masa calda ne astepta acasa, fara pic de grija, pazit… Azi am facut cel mai cremos orez cu lapte, perfect fiert, nu s-a prins deloc de vas, nu a trebuit pazit, eu doar l-am pus in boluri si servit: Ilincai cu scortisoara, noua cu dulceata de visine :)
Ingrediente (4-6 portii):
- 4 cani de lapte integral (1L)
- 1 cana de orez (200g)
- 30g unt
- 1-2 lg sirop de artar (optional)
- 1 pastaie de vanilie
- 1 baton de scortisoara
- coaja de la 1 lamaie/portocala bio (optional)
Mod de preparare:
Simplu: punem in vasul slow cookerului laptele, orezul, untul, siropul de artar, batonul de scortisoara. Despicam pastaia de vanilie, ii scoatem semintele si le punem in vas, dar adaugam si pastaia, pentru a isi elibera toata aroma :) Amestecam totul si punem capacul, apoi programam slowcookerul pt 2 ore pe High.
Dupa ce timpul s-a scurs, inlaturam pastaia de vanilie, batonul de scortisoara si amestecam bine totul cu o lingura. Orezul trebuie sa arate pufos :) Punem cu polonicul in boluri, mie mi-au iesit 5 portii, depinde mult de cana folosita ca masura si de cat de mari vreti portiile :) Pofta mare!
Galerie foto
I wish I had discovered the slow cooker during my 2 year maternity leave :D It’s so easy to put the ingredients in the pot, go outside in the park and have a hot meal ready when you come home… Today I made the creamiest rice pudding, perfectly boiled rice, it didn’t stick at all, it didn’t need any supervising, I just put it in bowls and served it: Ilinca had it with a pinch of cinnamon, and we also added some sour cherry preserve :)
Ingredients (4-6 servings):
- 4 cups of full fat milk (1 L)
- 1 cup of rice (200g)
- 30 g butter
- 1-2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
- 1 vanilla bean
- 1 cinnamon stick
- zest of 1 orange/lemon (optional)
Simple: place the milk, rice, butter, maple syrup and cinnamon stick in the pot of the slow cooker. Split the vanilla bean in half lengthwise, peel the seeds and place them in the pot, along with the pod as well, to get all the flavor :) Mix well, put the lid on and set the slow cooker for 2 hours on High.
After the time’s up, remove the cinnamon stick and vanilla pod and mix well everything. The rice will look fluffy :) Spoon the rice pudding in nice bowls and serve. I got 5 servings, but it depends on the cup you use and how big you want the portions :) Enjoy!