Azi avem in meniu o surpriza pentru iubitorii de oua, ca noi suntem maaari fani oua, sub orice forma: fierte, ochiuri, omleta, scrambled, in deserturi etc… Ilinca adora ou fiert moale in care sa inmoaie diverse :) Deci, va propun aceasta varianta cremoasa de a gati ouale: oua gratinate, cu sos de smantana si mozzarella… Yummmy!

Ingrediente (3 portii):

  • 5 oua
  • 100ml smantana lichida*
  • 150g mozzarella rasa
  • 1/2 lgt sare
  • 1/4 lgt pudra de usturoi
  • un praf de piper

Fierbem ouale tari, eu le gatesc in multicookerul sub presiune 7 min pe functia Steam. Le curatam apoi si le feliem cat de subtire putem. Eu nu am reusit sa le tai prea subtiri, cred ca imi trebuie o ustensila speciala :D

Pentru sos incalzim pe foc intr-o craticioara smantana si branza mozzarella, sarea si piperul, pudra de usturoi, amestecand energic cu telul pana compozitia arata ca branza topita :) OMG, ce frumos curge si se intinde :))

Asezam frumos feliile de oua in 2 vase ramekin maricele (cam 10cm diametru) , turnam sosul de branza peste ele si le coacem aprox 10-15 min la 170C, pana se rumenesc frumos si fac bule. Se pot coace si intr-un singur vad individual. Se servesc calde, dar nici reci nu-s rele, pofta mare! :)

*Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)

*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.


Today we have a surprise for egg lover, because we too are really huge egg fans, we love them in any way: boiled, scrambled, in omelets, desserts, Ilinca loves her soft boiled egg in which she dips bread or potatoes :) So here is a delicious creamy way to cook eggs: gratinated eggs, with heavy cream and mozzarella sauce… Yummmy!

Ingredients (3 servings):

  • 5 eggs
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 150 g grated mozzarella
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • a pinch of pepper

Boil the eggs, I cook mine for 7 min on the Steam function in my pressure cooker. Peel and slice them as thin as you can. I didn’t manage to slice them too thin, I think I need a special tool :D

For the sauce heat the heavy cream and mozzarella in a saucepan, add salt, pepper garlic pepper and whisk quickly and continuously until the cheese is fully incorporated and it is all nice and looks melted :) OMG, it looks so yummy!

Nicely arrange the egg slices in 2 medium ramekins (about 10 cm diameter), pour the cheese sauce over them and cook at 170 C for about 10-15 min, until golden and bubbly. Serve warm, but they’not not bald cold, either :) Enjoy!

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