Tot vedeam peste tot aceasta reteta de oua turcesti si nu stiu cum de abia acum am incercat-o si eu, pentru ca sunt mare amatoare de oua, imi plac absolut sub orice forma, fierte moi, omleta cu toate variatiile ei, oua umplute, oua ochiuri, salata de oua, piure de oua, crema de zahar ars and so on, ati prins ideea :) Aceste oua turcesti sunt foarte usor si rapid de facut, desi rezultatul final pare un fel mai fancy, asa, si un mic dejun de weekend perfect! :)
Ingrediente (1 portie):
- 2 oua
- 1 lg otet
- 4 lg iaurt grecesc
- 1 catel de usturoi
- 25g unt
- 1 lgt ulei de masline
- 1/4 lgt fulgi de ardei iute
- 1/4 lgt boia dulce
- sare, marar tocat
Pisam usturoiul, il amestecam cu iaurtul si cu un praf de sare. Intindem sosul de iaurt pe o farfurie. Topim untul in tigaie, adaugam uleiul de masline, fulgii de ardei iute si boiaua dulce.
Punem la fiert apa cu sare, cand e aproape sa clocoteasca, adaugam o lingurta de otet, si punem usor ouale, ideal dintr-o cescuta, ceva, pe rand. Le fierbem pana albusul e facut, dar galbenusul e inca moale.
Asamblare: peste sosul de iaurt asezam ouale posate BINE scurse (le puteti pune pe un servetel inainte), picuram sosul de unt si presaram marar proaspat tocat deasupra. Sa mai zic ca e bine sa avem si niste paine de inmuiat in minunatia asta de oua turcesti? :) Pofta mare!
*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.
I kept seeing these Turkish eggs like everywhere online, and I have no idea why I didn’t they them before, because I am a HUGE egg lover: soft boiled, sunny side up, any kind of omelette, egg salad, egg mash, creme brulee and so on, you get the idea :) These Turkish eggs are super easy and quick, even thought the final result may seem a little fancy, and they are a perfect weekend breakfast! :)
Ingredients (1 serving):
- 2 eggs
- 1 tbsp vinegar
- 4 tbsp Greek yogurt
- 1 garlic clove
- 25 g butter
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 1/4 tsp hot paprika
- 1/4 lgt sweet paprika
- salt, fresh dill
Mash the garlic and mix it with the yogurt and a pinch of salt. Spread the yogurt dip on a plate. Melt the butter in a pan, add the olive oil, hot and sweet paprika.
Fill a saucepan with 2/3 water and a little salt and bring to a boil, just before the boiling point add the vinegar and gently slip the egg into the boiling water. Cook until the egg white is solid, but the egg yolk still runny.
Assemble: place the well drained poached eggs over the yogurt dip (you can drain them on a kitchen paper towel before), drizzle the butter sauce over and sprinkle freshly chopped dill. Shall I mention that bread for dipping is a must? :) Enjoy!