Daca va plac ouale umplute asa de mult cum imi plac si mie, fiti atenti aici. Am o reteta speciala pentru voi: oua umplute cu avocado :) Sunt excelente ca aperitiv, dar si in diminetile din weekend cand aveti mai mult timp de rasfat la micul dejun, alaturi de o cafea tare :)
Ingrediente (6 portii):
- 6 oua
- 1 avocado
- 1 lgt zeama de lamaie
- 2 lgt mustar
- sare, piper, boia dulce
Fierbem ouale tari, apoi le curatam, le taiem in jumatate pe lung si le scoatem galbenusurile. Pasam fructul de avocado cu zeama de lamaie, adaugam galbenusurile, mustarul, sare si piper dupa gust.
Umplem ouale cu acest amestec, presaram boia deasupra si papam cu pofta :) Enjoy!
*Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric.
If you love deviled eggs as much as I do, check this out. I’ve got a special recipe for you: avocado deviled eggs :) They’re excellent as an appetizer, but also for those lazy weekend morning when you have time to spoil yourselves at breakfast, next to a hot cup of coffee :)
Ingredients (6 servings):
- 6 eggs
- 1 avocado
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 2 tsp mustard
- salt, pepper, sweet paprika
Hard boil the eggs, then remove their shells, cut the lengthwise and scoop out the egg yolks. Puree the avocado with the lemon juice, add the egg yolks, mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Pipe the egg whites with this mixture, sprinkle paprika on top and enjoy! :)