Iata o reteta noua grozava si foarte simpla de paine keto! De data aceasta cu seminte de in si faina de cocos (nu se simte gustul de cocos), mai accesibila fata de varianta cu faina de migdale :) E o paine gustoasa si cu un aspect foarte dragut, de paine graham :) Delicioasa pentru sandvisuri, reci sau calde, crutoane sau paine cu unt si gem, miam miam… :) (12 felii a cate 2g carbs net si 103 cal)

Ingrediente (12 felii):

Mixam ouale (*la temperatura camerei, neaparat) cu apa si uleiul de masline, cu grija sa nu stropim, adaugam apoi restul ingredientelor si omogenizam bine tot.

Turnam compozitia alba in tava de chec unsa cu ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt, o nivelam frumos si presaram seminte de susan deasupra, optional, daca doriti.

Coacem painea cam 40-45 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, pana trece testul scobitorii. O scoatem din tava si o lasam sa raceasca de tot inainte de a o felia. Pofta mare!

*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.


Here’s another great and simple keto bread recipe! This one is cheaper, with flaxseed and coconut flour, way more accesibile than almond flour :) It’s very tasty and cute, looking just like wholewheat graham bread :) Delicious for sandwiches, cold or hot, croutons or bread with butter and jam, yummy! :)

Ingredients (12 slices):

  • 80 g ground flaxseed
  • 50 g coconut flour
  • 6 eggs*
  • 80 ml water
  • 80 ml olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp xanthan gum

Mix the egss (*at room temperature!) with the water and oil, carefully not to get things around wet :) Then ad the rest of the ingredients, mixing well.

Pour into a loaf pan that’s been greased with oil and lined with baking paper, level the surface nicely and sprinkle sesame seeds on top, if you want.

Bake the bread for about 40-45 min in the preheated oven at 180C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Let it cool completely before slicing. Enjoy!

4 Comments on Paine keto cu seminte de in / Keto flaxseed bread

  1. buna ziua,

    multumim pentru reteta. pot omite/inlocui ouale? am intoleranta la albusul de ou, dar as vrea neaparat sa incerc reteta pentru ca am intoleranta si la orez si majoritatea retetelor fara gluten (la care sunt intoleranta) contin faina de orez.
    multumesc frumos

    • Buna Ana, din pacate e o cantitate prea mare de ou ca sa prespun cu ce ar merge inlocuit, fara sa testez… Imi pare rau, o zi frumoasa!

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