Pita de casa. De Revelion am mancat niste lipii foaaarte bune si am cerut imediat reteta, pe care am adaptat-o, fiind la Thermomix. De obicei pitele grecesti sunt coapte in tigaie, insa la aceasta reteta de pita de casa, se coc in cuptor, pe o tava incinsa. Sunt micute si „dolofane”, geniale cu humus sau tot felul de dip-uri si sosuri, le puteti umple si cu carne, legume, urmeaza o super reteta de gyros, stay tunned! :) Va las si o poza la sfarsit, ca teaser, muhahah :))
Ingrediente (8 buc):
- 1 lgt (5g) drojdie uscata (sau 10g drojdie proaspata)
- 300ml apa calduta
- 1 lgt zahar brun sau miere
- 3 lg ulei de masline (45ml)
- 500g faina
- 1 lg sare
Punem intr-un bol drojdia, apa calduta (calaie, nu fierbinte), 2-3 linguri de faina si mierea, amestecam bine si lasam totul cam 15 min, pana apar bule :) Incepem sa framantam la robot sau de mana, adaugand restul ingredientelor (faina, uleiul de masline, sarea), framantam aprox 15 min, pana aluatul e moale si elastic, aprox 10 min.
Il punem la loc intr-un bol uns cu ulei, acoperim cu folie sau prosop si il lasam sa creasca 1 ora sau pana isi dubleaza volumul. Dupa ce si-a dublat volumul, modelam 8 bilute, pe aplatizam cu sucitorul si le mai lasam 10 minute la temperatura camerei, acoperite cu folie alimentara.
In cuptorul preincalzit introducem tava in care vom coace lipiile la 220C si o incingem bine. In functie de dimensiunea tavii, coacem in ea apoi cate 2-4 lipii, cate ne incap :) timp de aprox 7 minute, pana sunt rumene si frumoase. Si putin umflatele :) Enjoy!
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I ate some delicious homemade pita flatbreads for New yer’s Eve and I asked for the recipe, which I adapted, because it was made with Thermomix. Usually Greek pita flatbreads are baked in a pan on the stove top, but this recipe calls for baking in the oven. They are fluffy and amazing with hummus or other dips and spreads, you can fill them with veggies and meat, I’ve got an amazing Gyros recipe coming up next, stay tunes :) I left a photo here, as a teaser, muhahahaha :))
Ingredients (8 pcs):
- 1 tsp(5 g) dry yeast (or 10 g fresh yeast)
- 300 ml warm water
- 1 tsp brown sugar or honey
- 3 tbsp olive oil (45 ml)
- 500 g flour
- 1 tbsp salt
Put in a bowl the yeast, lukewarm water (not hot, that would kill the yeast), 2-3 tablespoons of flour, the honey or sugar. Mix, then let it sit for 15 min or until bubbles appear :) Start to knead in a stand mixer (hook attachment), adding the flour, salt, olive oil. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 min.
Put in a bowl greased with oil, wrap in clingfilm and let it rise 1 hour or until it doubles in size. Divide into 8 parts, form balls and flatten them with a rolling pin. In the preheated oven put the tray you will bake the flatbreads on and heat it well.
Bake 2-4 pieces at a time, depending on how many fit on your tray, for about 7 min, or until nice and fluffy. Enjoy!