Azi am pentru voi o reteta de paine rustica cu seminte si cu coaja suuuuper crocanta, miez moale, pufos si elastic, este cea mai buna! O felie calda cu unt e fix ce trebuie :)) Recunosc, am avut 2 super ajutoare: mixerul KitchenAid, care framanta like no other, si vasul pentru paine Emile Henry cu capac, care coace paine si cozonaci fix ca in cuptorul cu lut al bunicii :) Si pentru ca avem nevoie de vesti bune, KitchenShop vine cu o surpriza! Mixerul KitchenAid are o reducere de 10% în luna aprilie siiiiiii primiti cadou un superb vas de copt paine Emile Henry! Economisiti astfel peste 500 de lei :)


  • 500g faina
  • 400ml apa calduta
  • 25g drojdie proaspata (sau 10g drojdie uscata)
  • 1 lgt zahar brun
  • 1 lg sare
  • 3 lg mix de seminte

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Punem apa calduta intr-un bol, adaugam drojdia, zaharul, 3 linguri de faina, amestecam bine si lasam totul 10-15 min, sa faca bule.

Incepem sa framantam la robotul KitchenAid (carligul pentru aluat), adaugand restul de faina si sarea. Framantam la viteza mica pana se omogenizeaza ingredientele, apoi la viteza mare timp de aprox 10 min.

Daca e prea moale si lipicios, cum a fost si al meu, pentru ca asta depinde de faina si umiditate, mai adaugam faina si framantam inca putin aluatul pe blatul de lucru pana arata ca in video :)

Ii dam o forma rotunda si il punem la crescut intr-un bol uns cu ulei, il acoperim cu folie alimentara. Dupa ce si-a dublat volumul, punem vasul gol Emile Henry cu tot cu capac la preincalzit in cuptorul incins la 220C.

Intre timp, mai framantam putin aluatul si ii dam o forma rotunda. Luam vasul fierbinte din cuptor, asezam cu grija bila de aluat pe vasul pudrat cu faina, o crestam cu o lama si presaram semintele deasupra. Punem capacul vasului si coacem painea 30 min la 220C.

Inlaturam capacul si mai coacem painea încă 20 de min, cu ventilatia pornita in ultimele 5 min, pana se rumeneste suficient. Pofta mare!

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I’ve got an amazing recipe for you today, this rustic bread with seeds, it has a yummy crispy crust and it’s perfect inside, fluffy. A hot slice with butter is the perfect comforting food :) I admit, I had 2 helpers: my KitchenAid stand mixer, that kneads like no other, and my Emile Henry bread round dish, that bakes just likes grandma’s classic bread oven :)


  • 500 g flour
  • 400 ml lukewarm water
  • 25 g fresh yeast (or 10g dry yeast)
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 3 tbsp mixed seeds

Place the lukewarm water in a bowl, add the yeast, sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour, stir well and let it rise for 10-15 min, until bubbly.

Start kneading with the KitchenAid mixer (hook attachment), adding the rest of the flour and salt. Knead on low speed until fully incorporated, then on high speed for about 10 min.

If the dough is too soft and sticky like mine was, because it depends on the flour and humidity, add a little flour and knead manually until incorporated. The dough should look like in the video :)

Give it a round shape and place it in a bowl that’s been greased with oil, wrap in clingfilm and let it rise until it doubles in size. After it’s risen, place the empty Emile Henry dish in the oven to preheat at 220C.

In the meantime knead the dough into a round shape. Tak the hot mil Henry dish from the oven, gently add the dough on the dish that’s been sprinkled with flour. Cut the surface with a knife, sprinkle seeds on top, add the lid and cook for 30 min at 220C.

Remove the lid and cook for 20 more mins, with the ventilation on in the last 5 min, until lovely golden and crisp. Enjoy!

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