Pentru cei la dieta low carb, keto sau LCHF, acest pandispan e ideal si failproof :) Secretul e sa bati foarte bine albusurile si sa incorporezi foarte usor amestecul de galbenusuri si apoi faina, pentru a pastra compozitia aerata. Iese foarte gustos si destul de pufos, eu i-am facut si o crema de cocos si unt, insa care nu a iesit prea stralucita :)) DAR reteta de pandispan e efectiv prea buna sa nu o postez, in plus aveti si imagini pas cu pas din timpul prepararii :)


  • 150g faina de migdale
  • 5 oua
  • 80g indulcitor pudra (am folosit tagatoza)
  • 4 lg ulei de cocos
  • 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
  • 1 lgt praf de copt

Separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma un praf de sare, iar cand se fac spuma, adaugam si indulcitorul, amestecand in continuare pana obtinem o bezea lucioasa. Adaugam galbenusurile amestecate cu uleiul de cocos si vanilia, amestecand usor, cu miscari de sus in jos, pentru a pastra cat mai mult aer in compozitie.

Adaugam faina de migdale amestecata cu praful de copt, amestecand usor, cu aceleasi miscari. Turnam compozitia alba in forma rotunda (diametru 18 cm) unsa cu ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt. Coacem pandispanul cam 40 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C sau pana trece testul scobitorii. Pofta mare!


For those pf you on a low carb, keto or LCHF diet, this sponge cake is amazing and fail proof! :) The secret lies in whisking the egg whites really well and gently folding in the egg yolk and flour mixture, to keep it fluffy. I made a coconut cream frosting that didn’t turn out too bright, but the sponge cake recipe is just too good not to share. plus you’ve got step by step photos from the whole cooking process :)


  • 150 g almond flour
  • 5 eggs
  • 80 g powdered sweetener (I used tagatose)
  • 4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder

Separate the eggs and whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they become foamy, then add the sweetener and whisk everything until it forms stiff peaks. Add the egg yolks mixed with the coconut oil and vanilla, mixing slowly, with circular movements.

Add the almond flour and baking powder wit the same slow movements. Pour the mixture into a round cake pan (18 cm diameter) lined with baking paper and bake for about 40 min in the preheated oven at 180 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Enjoy!

6 Comments on Pandispan cu faina de migdale / Almond flour sponge cake

  1. Mulțumim pt minunatele retete! Daca folosesc faina de cocos in loc de cea de migdale, folosesc jumatate din cantitate?🎂🎂🎂

    • Buna Oana, din pacate nu stiu ce sa zic, pentru ca faina de cocos e foarte diferita, e extrem de absorbanta, poti incerca eventual cu jumatate de faina de migdale (75g) si vreo 30g faina de cocos… :) Sa imi zici cum iese, pupici!

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