Pandispan keto cu cacao. Pornind de la reteta mea de pandispan pufos low carb (aici), am marit cantitatile si am adaugat cacao intr-un sfert din compozitie :) Apoi am facut cerculete si spirale cu o scobitoare, obtinand acel efect marmorat super dragut. Iar de bun si frumos ce a iesit acest pandispan keto cu cacao nu mai zic, au mancat Ilinca si verisoarele ei cu muuuulta pofta aproape toata tava! :)


  • 10 oua
  • 2 lg ulei de masline
  • 70g eritritol (rasnit fin)
  • 70g faina de cocos
  • 2 lg faina Szafi (gasiti aici)
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie
  • 1 lgt esenta de rom
  • 3 lg cacao

Separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma un praf de sare, iar cand incep sa devina spumoase, adaugam si indulcitorul, mixand in continuare pana obtinem o bezea lucioasa.

Separat amestecam galbenusurile, uleiul de masline, romul si vanilia. Micsoram viteza mixerului si adaugam acest amestec in cel de albusuri. Cernem faina de cocos amestecata cu praful de copt si faina Szafi si incorporam tot amestecand usor, cu miscari de sus in jos, pentru a pastra cat mai mult aer in compozitie.

Turnam 3/4 din compozitie in tava (una marisoara, de aprox 20*33 cm) tapetata cu hartie de copt. In restul de compozitie adaugam pudra de cacao si amestecam usor pana la omogenizare. Turnam partea neagra peste cea alba si face spirale cu o scobitoare, ca in imagini.

Coacem pandispanul cam 30 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, pana trece testul scobitorii. Dupa ce s-a racit putin, il scoatem din tava, il pudram cu indulcitor si il taiem patratele. Pofta mare!


Starting from my fluffiest low carb sponge cake recipe (here), I increased the quantities and added cocoa to one quarter of the batter :) Then I made circles and swirls with a skewer to get this cute marble effect. Not to mention this keto cocoa sponge cake was just so fluffy and tasty, Ilinca and her cousins almost ate the whole tray! :)


  • 10 eggs
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 70 g erythritol (finely ground)
  • 70 g coconut flour
  • 2 tbsp Szafi flour mix
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp rum essence
  • 3 tbsp cocoa

Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy, then add the sweetener and beat them until they form stiff peaks.

Separately mix the egg yolks, olive oil, rum and vanilla. Lower the mixer speed and ad this egg yolk mixture into the beaten egg whites. Sift the coconut flour, baking powder and Szafi flour mix into the batter and fold in gently, with a spatula, using circular up&down movements.

Pour 3/4 of the batter in the pan (pretty large one, approx 20*33 cm) that’s been greased with il and lined with baking paper. In the rest of the batter incorporate the cocoa and mix until smooth. Pour the dark batter over the white batter and swirl it with a skwerer, like the pictures show.

Bake the sponge cake for about 30 min at 180 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Once it’s cooled, slice and powder with sweetener. Enjoy!

2 Comments on Pandispan keto cu cacao / Keto cocoa sponge cake

  1. Bună ziua! Arată minunat pandispanul! Oare cu ce pot inlocui faina szafi? Nu am momentan decat mix de fibre 😃

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