Exista cineva caruia sa nu ii placa papanasii? Eu cred ca sunt un desert clasic mult indragit de absolut toata lumea, si varianta mea fara gluten si fara zahar va avea succes :) Cu topping crocant de pesmet Schar fara gluten, indulcitor natural si scortisoara, sunt absolut deliciosi. Mai e cazul sa va zic ca trebuie savurati cu smantana si dulceata? :D Reteta face parte din campania „Gatim romaneste si fara gluten cu Schar„, intrati aici si votati poza preferata cu un comentariu si puteti castiga un cos cu produse Schar :)

Ingrediente (20 de buc):

  • 300g branza de vaci
  • 100g faina Schar bread Mix (sau mix C)
  • 50g indulcitor Green Sugar
  • 1 ou
  • coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie
  • 50g pesmet Schar
  • 2 lg indulcitor Green Sugar
  • 1 lgt scortisoara

Scurgem bine branza de vaci si o amestecam cu faina Schar, oul, indulcitorul Green Sugar si coaja rasa de lamaie. Amestecam bine si modelam bilute de dimensiunea mingilor de ping pong, mie mi-au iesit 20 de bucati. Mainile putin umezite ne usureaza munca.

Punem apa la fiert intr-o oala, cand incepe sa fiarba micsoram flacara si introducem bilutele usor cu o lingura. Acestea sunt gata cand s-au ridicat la suprafata, dupa aprox 6-8 minute. Facem toppingul amestecand pesmetul Schar, Green Sugar si scortisoara (ultimele 3 ingrediente). Scoatem bilutele cu o spumiera si le tavalim prin acest amestec crocant. Pofta mare!


Is there anyone who doesn’t like cheese dumplings? I think they are a dessert absolutely everyone loves and my sugar and gluten free version will be a super hit :) With crunchy Schar breadcrumbs, cinnamon and sweetener topping, they are so delicious. Need I say that they MUST be served with sour cream and preserve? :)

Ingredients (20 pcs):

  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 100 g Green Sugar sweetener
  • 1 egg
  • grated zest from 1 lemon
  • 50 g Schar breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp Green Sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

Drain well the cottage cheese and combine it with the Schar flour, egg, sweetener and lemon zest. Mix well and form out balls the shape of ping pong balls, I got 20 pieces. Wet hands makes molding easier for us.

Bring to a boil water in a large pot and add the balls just when the water starts to boil. They are done cooking when they rise to the surface, after approx. 6-8 mins. Make the topping by mixing the breadcrumbs, sweetener and cinnamon. Coat the balls well into the topping and serve warm. Enjoy!

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