Unul din deserturile de suflet ale copilariei, dar intr-o varianta mult mai sanatoasa: papanasi fierti, fara zahar. Eu i-am savurat cu iaurt grecesc si dulceata parfumata de capsuni facuta de bunica :)
Ingrediente (28 de bucati):
- 500g branza de vaci
- 5 lg Green Sugar
- 200g gris
- 2 oua
- coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 150g pesmet
- 4 lg Green Sugar
- 1 lgt scortisoara
Pasam branza de vaci cu o furculita, apoi adaugam grisul, pudra de Green Sugar, coaja rasa de lamaie si vanilia. Amestecam bine, apoi incorporam si ouale batute usor. Introducem amestecul la rece pentru 30 de minute, dupa care modelam din acesta bilute de marimea mingilor de ping pong :) Mie mi-au iesit 28 de bucati.
Punem apa la fiert intr-o oala, cand incepe sa fiarba micsoram flacara si introducem bilutele usor cu o lingura. Cand acestea s-au ridicat la suprafata, sunt gata! :) Facem toppingul din 150 de pesmet, 4 linguri de Green Sugar si o lingurita de scortisoara. Scoatem bilutele cu o spumiera si le tavalim prin acest amestec. Pofta mare!
Galerie foto
One of my favorite desserts as a child, but in a much healthier version: sugar free boiled cheese dumplings. I enjoyed them with Greek yogurt and my grandma’s strawberry jam :)
Ingredients (28 pieces):
- 500 g cottage cheese
- 5 tbsp stevia based sweetener
- 200 g semolina
- 2 eggs
- zest of 1 lemon
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 150 g bread crumbs
- 4 tbsp stevia based sweetener
- 1 tsp cinnamon
Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, then add the semolina, lemon zest and vanilla. Mix well, then incorporate the lightly beaten eggs. Place the mixture into the fridge for 30 min, then mold small balls the size of ping-pong balls :) I got 28 pieces.
Boil water in a large pot, when it starts to boil reduce the flame and gently drop the cheese balls with a spoon. When they rise to the surface they’re ready! :) Make the topping from 150 g of bread crumbs, 4 tablespoons of stevia based sweetener and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Take the balls out of the water and roll them in this mixture. Enjoy!