Daca vreti sa pregatiti un aperitiv inedit de sarbatori, va recomand aceasta pasta de broccoli si alune de padure :) E super servita cu legume proaspete, crackers sau chiar ca garnitura la friptura. In loc de alune de padure puteti folosi si nuci :) Foarrrrte gustoasa si hranitoare!


  • 300g broccoli
  • 2 catei de usturoi
  • 3 lg crema de branza
  • 1 lg unt
  • 1 lg ulei de masline
  • cateva frunze de baby spanac
  • sare, piper
  • 150g alune de padure

Super simplu: Fierbem broccoli pana intra furculita in el, apoi pasam toate ingredientele (mai putine alunele) cu blenderul pana obtinem o consistenta omogena, insa nu extrem de fina. E bine sa ramana putina textura :)

La final incorporam alunele de padure tocate marunt si putin rumenite in tigaie. Eu am gasit unele gata tocate si prajite la Lidl. Puteti folosi si nuci sau migdale, orice va place. Servim cu legume proaspete, crackers de care aveti si mai ales cu multa pofta! :)

Reteta pas cu pas in imagini:


If you are in for a special appetizer these holidays, I recommend this broccoli hazelnut dip :) It’s delicious served with fresh veggies or as side dish for the steak. Soo tasty and nutritious!


  • 300 g broccoli
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3 tbsp cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • a handful baby spinach leaves
  • salt, pepper
  • 150 g hazelnuts

Super simple: Boil the broccoli florets until tender, then blend all the ingredients (except the hazelnuts) until smooth, but not too much, to keep some texture :)

In the end fold in the chopped and toasted hazelnuts. Serve with fresh veggies, your favorite crackers and just dig in! :)

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