Ilinca a mancat la munte intr-o seara o portie de paste cu sos de rosii si i-am dat sa guste si lui Teo. A fost innebunita dupa ele, asa ca am zis ca voi face si eu acasa o varianta baby friendly, fara sare si fara calit/prajeala :) Paste cu sos de rosii baby friendly. Am mancat toti cu multa pofta, bine, noi cei mari ne-am pus si sare in farfurie, dar oricum au iesit SUPER delicioase :)

Ingrediente (4 portii):

  • 100g paste mici
  • 250ml suc de rosii
  • 1 rosie mare
  • 1 ardei gras
  • 1 morcov
  • 1/2 ceapa rosie
  • 2 catei de usturoi
  • 1/2 lgt oregano uscat
  • 1 lg ulei de masline
  • 1 lg fulgi de drojdie inactiva
  • cateva frunze de busuioc
  • Topping: parmezan ras sau fulgi de drojdie inactiva

Mod de preparare

Punem la fiert pastele conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj; eu am folosit mai multe feluri de paste micute de care aveam: alfabet, mini fusilli si niste bobite mici mici gen cuscus :) Foarte haioase sunt si pastele steline speciale pentru bebelusi, anyway, orice paste micute sunt ok pentru aceasta reteta, avand avantajul ca fierb foarte repede.

Separat punem la fiert intr-o craticioara sucul de rosii (am avul unul homemade de la nasa fetelor :) si adaugam legumele tocate cat mai marunt, sa fiarba repede: rosia, morcovul ras, ardeiul gras, usturoiul, ceapa (eu de ceapa am uitat :)) Cand legumele sunt fierte adaugam si: uleiul de masline, busuiocul, drojdia inactiva, oregano si pasam totul cu blenderul vertical.

Pentru servire, punem in boluri pastele fierte si bine scurse, apoi adaugam sosul si extra fulgi de drojdie inactiva (sau parmezan, daca doriti) si busuioc pentru o pata de culoare :) Pofta mare, pitici! Paste cu sos de rosii baby friendly.

Am folosit aceasta plita pe inductie. Poate va place si aceasta lasagna baby friendly sau aceste paste cremoase cu dovleac ;)


Where we were travelling to the mountains this week and we were at a restaurant, Ilinca had pasta with tomato sauce and I gave Teo a taste of that, she loved it! So I knew I would make a baby friendly version at home, without salt or frying :) Baby friendly tomato sauce pasta. We all ate them, we just added a little salt, super yummy! )

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 100 g tiny pasta
  • 250 ml tomato juice
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 tsp dry oregano
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp inactive yeast flakes
  • a couple of basil leaves
  • Topping: grated Parmesan or inactive yeast flakes

Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package; I used more types of small pasta: alphabet, mini fusilli and some kind of smaller couscous :) Or you can use baby stellini pasta, either way, all these boil really quickly.

Separately bring to a boil in a saucepan the tomato juice and add the diced veggies: tomato, grated carrot, garlic, onion (I forgot to put onion :)) When the veggies are cooked, add the olive oil, basil, inactive yeast and oregano, then blend everything smooth with an immersion blender.

To serve, put in a bowl the boiled and drained pasta, add the sauce and extra inactive yeast flakes 9Or Parmesan) and basil for some color contrast :) Enjoy!

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