Am adus de la tara multe sacose de struguri foarte gustosi, si pentru ca vin nu stim sa facem, iar de suc de struguri ne-am saturat, am zis sa fac niste gem de struguri :) Insa cum in toate retetele zicea ca strugurilor trebuie sa li se scoata samburii, la ce bobite mici au strugurii nostri cred ca ma apuca sincer Craciunul pana terminam procesul :))))) Asa ca mi-a venit ideea sa fac peltea de struguri, ei avand pectina in coaja, adica un agent gelifiant natural. Mult mai simplu de facut, super gustoasa si naturala! Peltea de struguri.

Ingrediente (aprox):

  • 4 kg struguri
  • 600g zahar/indulcitor*
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie

Spalam si clatim bine struguri, ii scurgem, apoi indepartam more or less bobitele de pe ciorchine. Ii punem intr-o oala mare (oala mea de ciorba are 6l) si punem totul pe foc, amestecand din cand in cand.

Strugurii isi vor lasa multa zeama. Dupa ce cojile s-au inmuiat bine, scurgem totul printr-o sita si transferam sucul obtinut int-o oala mai mica. Adaugam indulcitorul*, eu am folosit si 200g miere, 100g zahar brun si 300g eritritol, dar puteti folosi ce combinatie doriti, doar ca trebuie sa puneti si putin zahar, pentru inchegare. Dupa gust, fireste, in functie si de cat de dulci sunt strugurii.

Fierbem totul la foc mic pana scade si se ingroasa suficient, cam ca un sirop putin grosut. Cu cat folositi mai mult indulcitor/zahar si cu cat fierbeti mai mult pelteaua, ea va fi mai groasa. Eu am optat pentru mai putin indulcitor, pentru a se simti mai bine aroma strugurilor :)

Adaugam la final si vanilia, apoi turnam pelteaua in borcane (cu un cutit metalic sub fund, pentru a prelua socul termic). Mie mi-au iesit 1 borcan de 400ml si unul mic de 200ml, dar depinde de cat de mult scadeti siropul. Dupa racire a 2a zi pelteaua va deveni gelatinoasa si superba :) Pofta mare!


I brought form the contryside lots of grapes and because we don’t know how to make wine and we got tired of grape juice, I thought I’d make some grape jam :) But since all the jam recipes on the internet required pitting and our grapes were so small, I thought that would take eternity :)))) So I got the didea to make grape jelly, because grapes have pectine in their peel, that is a natural gelifying agent. Super easy to make, tasty and natural. Grape jelly.

Ingredients (approx):

  • 4 kg grapes
  • 600g sugar/sweetener*
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Wash and drain the grapes, then remove the stalks. Put them in a large pot (min has 6L capacity) and simmer over low heat, mixing from time to time. They will leave out a lot of juice.

After the peels have softened, drain everything through a sieve and transfer the jucie to another smaller pan. Add the sweetener, I used 200g honey, 100g brown sugar and 300g erithritol, but you can use any combination you like, you just need to use a little sugar, too, for the gelifying process. To taste, of course and depending on the sweetenss of the grapes.

Simmer over low heat until the juice reduces and thickens a little, not too muhc, but like a dense syrup. The more sugar/sweetener you use and the more you boil it, the thicker it gest. I opted for less sweetener to feel the taste of the grapes :)

Add the vanilla in the end and pour into jars (with a metal knife under them, to avoid te thermic shock). I got 2 jars, one 400ml one and a smaller 200ml. The next day, they jelly will become wonderfuly gelatinous and delicious :) Enjoy!

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