Pesto de rosii uscate. O bunatate de pesto din cele mai gustoase rosii uscate, muguri de pin, parmezan ras, busuioc proaspata si ulei de masline extravirgin de calitate. E super servit pe paine prajita, crackers, cu bastonase de legume, masline sau chiar ca ingredient in aceasta bunatate de pizza cu sos pesto :) Se face aproape instant la blender sau robot de bucatarie.


Pur si simplu mixam bine toate ingredientele in blender sau in robotul de bucatarie pana ajungem la consistenta dorita. Iese un borcanas mic de aprox 300ml si se pastreaza in frigider.

Pentru varianta vegana, in loc de parmezan puteti folosi nuci caju si 1 lingurita de fulgi de drojdie inactiva :) Pofta mare!


This amazing sundried pesto is made from the juiciest sun dried tomatoes, pine nuts, grated Parmesan, fresh basil and extra virgin high quality olive oil. The pesto is perfect to serve on crispy toast, crackers, with veggie sticks, olives or even as ingredients in this amazing pesto pizza :) You make it almost instantly in a blender or food processor.


  • 150 g sundried tomatoes
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 30 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 50 g grated parmesan
  • 30 g pine nuts
  • a handful basil leaves
  • sarlt, pepper

Simply blend everything in the food processor or blender until you reach the desired consistency. These quantities make about a 300ml tiny jar, store it in the fridge.

For the vegan option, you can use cashew nuts and inactive yeast flakes instead of Parmesan. Enjoy! :)

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