Inca o reteta delicioasa baby friendly la multicookerul CrockPot Express cu gatire sub presiune! :) Acest pilaf cu cartof dulce e foaaarte gustos, cremos, perfect pentru pitici si nu numai. Puteti adauga nise carnita gatita alaturi sau il puteti servi gol celor mici, cu niste legume crude, e o bunatate, combinatia de arome e delicioasa, chiar si fara sare si fara calit :) Si timpul de gatire e de doar 7 minute, moms, wink wink :)


  • 1 cana de orez* (185g)
  • 2 lg ulei de masline
  • 1 ceapa rosie
  • 1/2 cartof dulce (200g)
  • 4 ciuperci Champignon
  • 2 cani de apa (500ml)
  • 1 lg mix de legume deshidratate (fara sare)
  • 25g unt
  • 25g parmezan

Aveti o extra reducere de 10% cu codul Madeline10 pentru multicookerul Crockpot Express cu gatire sub presiune, cat si pentru restul gamei, pe siteul CrockPot Romania, valabil pana la 31 martie 2021! :) Nu uitati si de special dedicata acestui multicooker, o gasiti AICI.

Mod de preparare

Punem in vasul multicookerului CrockPot Express cu gatire sub presiune: uleiul de masline, ceapa tocata, orezul (am folosit orez rapid cu bob lung), cartoful dulce decojit si taiat cubulete, cubul de unt, apa, ciupercile feliate si amestecul de condimente.

Amestecam bine, punem capacul il rotim spre pozitia Inchis, rotim si valva de presiune. Setam aparatul pe Manual, High pressure, 7 minute si ne vedem de treaba :)

Dupa ce timpul a expirat, punem un prosopel pe capac si rotim cu o spatula si cu grija :) valva de presiune spre pozitia Deschis. Eu pun acest prosop pentru a nu stropi aburul. Adaugam parmezanul, amestecam si servim cald cald acest delicios pilaf cu cartof dulce. Pofta mare, pitici! :)


Another delicious baby friendly recipe with my CrockPot Express pressure cooker! :) This sweet potato risotto is sooo tasty, creamy, perfect for littles ones and not only. You can serve it as side dish next to some cooked meat, with veggies, it’s super tasty, the flavor combination is yummy, even without salt and sauteing :) And the cooking time is only 7 minutes, moms, wink wink :)


  • 1 cup of rice* (185 g)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 red onion
  • 1/2 sweet potato (200 g)
  • 4 Champignon mushrooms
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 tbsp dried veggies mix (without salt)
  • 25 g butter
  • 25 g Parmesan

Put in the CrockPot Express pressure cooker: olive oil, chopped onion, rice (I used quick cooking white rice), peeled and cubed sweet potato, butter, water, sliced mushrooms and dried veggies mix.

Stir well, put the lid on, rotate to Closed position, close the pressure valve, too. Set on Manual, High pressure, 7 minute and do whatever you want in the meantime :)

Once the time’s up, put a kitchen cloth on the lid and carefully rotate the pressure valve to Open position, using a spatula. I put the cloth not to get steam and liquids drops around the pressure cooker when I do a quick release. Add the parmesan, stir and serve warm this delicious sweet potato risotto. Enjoy, kids! :)

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