O bunatate de pilaf de conopida cu ciuperci, cremos, fin, low carb si foaaaarte gustos, deci mi se pare cina perfecta! Si nu ca v-as indemna eu la vicii, insa merge la fix cu un pahar de vin alb sec, just saying, wink wink… :)) (4 portii a cate 8g net carbs si 360 cal)
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 600g conopida
- 40g unt
- 1 ceapa mica
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 250g ciuperci (1 pachet)
- 100ml vin alb
- 150ml smantana lichida
- sare, piper
- 100g parmezan ras
Topim untul intr-o tigaie adaugam ceapa (am folosit 2 cepe salota mici mici) si catei de usturoi tocati marunt si calim totul cam 2-3 min. Adaugam ciupercile feliate si le gatim pana scade zeama lor, amestecand din cand in cand.
Taiem conopida bucati mari pe care le maruntim in robotul de bucatarie, cateva bucati pe rand, exact cat sa aiba consistenta si dimensiunea boabelor de orez, ca in imagini. Adaugam in tigaie „orezul” de conopida, vinul alb, smantana lichida, sare si piper dupa gust.
Tinem pe foc amestecand constant pana conopida e facuta, nu dureaza mult, fiind maruntita bine, si scade zeama pilafului, dar nu de tot, sa ramana cremos. La final adaugam parmezanul dat pe razatoare, amestecam si servim pilaful cald. E super super super bun! :)
*Reteta adaptata de aici.
A super tasty cauliflower mushroom risotto, creamy, low carb and sooo delicious, to me it is the perfect dinner! :) And I don’t mean to say anything, but it goes so welel with a glass of white wine, wink, wink :))
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 600 g cauliflower
- 40 g butter
- 1 small onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 250 g Champignon mushrooms
- 100 ml white wine
- 150 ml heavy cream
- salt, pepper
- 100 g grated Parmesan
Melt the butter in a pan, add the diced onion (I used 2 very small shallots) and garlic, saute for about 2-3 min. Add the sliced mushrooms and cook until their juice reduces, mixing from time to time.
Cut the cauliflower into big pieces and process them in the food processor, a couple at a time, until they have rice consistency, just as in the photos above. Add the cauliflower „rice” to the pan, wine, heavy cream, salt and pepper.
Simmer until the cauliflower is cooked (that won’t take long, being to finely cut) and the sauce reduces, but not too much, to keep the risotto creamy. In the end add the grated Parmesan and serve war, It’s super delicious, enjoy! :)