Imi plac la nebunie mancarurile usoare cu multe legume, dar trebuie sa fie si consistente ca sa ne tina de foame, nu? :) Ei bine, daca sunteti de aceeasi parere, veti adora acest pilaf de hrisca. Nu are pic de grasime, fulgii de drojdie inactiva ii dau o savoare nemaipomenita iar hrisca se stie ca este o comoara nutritiva si foarte satioasa :) In plus, este si un fel de mancare foarte ieftin :)
- 1 cana hrisca (200g)
- 3, 1/2 cani de apa (875ml)
- 1 cub de supa bio
- 2 morcovi
- 250g ciuperci
- 2 cepe verzi
- 3 lg fulgi de drojdie inactiva
- sare, piper dupa gust
- 1 lgt boia dulce
- patrunjel pentru decor
Spalam bine hrisca si o punem intr-un vas termorezistent, impreuna cu apa si cubul de supa. Introducem la cuptor pentru 15 minute (foc mediu, 170C), apoi adaugam toate legumele tocate si fulgii de drojdie.
Dupa 30 de minute verificam daca hrisca e aldente, asezonam cu sare si piper dupa gust si presaram deasupra boia dulce si patrunjel proaspat. Servim pilaful cald. Pofta mare!
I really love light dishes with plenty of vegetables, but they have to be filling to prevent the early feeling of hunger, right? :) Well, if you agree with me, you will adore this buckwheat risotto. It has absolutely no added fat, the nutritional yeast flakes give a wonderful flavor and buckwheat is well-known to be a nutritional treasure :) It is also a very cheap dish :)
- 1 cup buckwheat (200 g)
- 3, 1/2 cups water (875ml)
- 1 vegetable stock cube
- 2 carrots
- 250 g mushrooms
- 2 spring onions
- 3 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 tsp sweet paprika
- parsley for decorating
Wash and rinse the buckwheat, then place it in an oven dish with the stock cube and water. Put in the oven for 15 minutes (medium heat, 170 C), then add the chopped vegetables and yeast flakes.
After 30 min check to see if the buckwheat is aldente, season with salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle sweet paprika and freshly chopped parsley on top and serve warm. Enjoy!