Un lucru pe care sigur nu il stiati despre mine e ca NU imi place foietajul, in schimb sunt MARE fana aluat fraged :) Aceasta placinta cu branza dulce si aluat fraged e senzationala, va garantez ca o veti pune la favorite :) Cu o umplutura bogata si aromata de multa branza si aluatul fraged deja faimos :) Pofta mare!
Aluat fraged:
- 200g unt
- 450g faina + extra pt framantat
- 50g Edulcorem* (optional)
- 2 oua
- 150g smantana
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- 1-2 linguri de gris
- 1 galbenus pt uns
- 600g branza grasa de vaci
- 300g cas dulce
- 100g crema de branza
- 50g gris
- 7 oua
- 150g Edulcorem* (dupa gust)
- 100g stafide
- 2 lg rom
- 1 lgt esenta de vanilie
- coaja de la 1 lamaie
Pentru umplutura mixam ouale cu indulcitorul, adaugam casul faramitat, crema de branza, branza de vaci. Puteti folosi orice combinatie de branzeturi va place (care sa cumuleze 1 kg in total), chiar si doar branza de vaci, dar casul sa stiti ca da o aroma super :)
Mai mixam putin, apoi adaugam restul ingredientelor: grisul (absoarbe din umiditate), stafidele inmuiate in rom, vanilia si coaja rasa de lamaie.
Aluatul fraged se prepara astfel: mixam unutul rece taiat cubulete, ouale, smantana, faina, praful de copt pana se formeaza o bila de aluat. Framantam apoi manual aluatul pe o suprafata presarata cu faina pana devine moale si neted. Il impartim in 2 si rulam 2 foi dreptunghiulare cu facaletul.
Ungem o tava de aprox 24*35 cm cu putin ulei, o tapetam cu hartie de copt si asezam usor in ea prima foaie de aluat. Presaram cele 1-2 linguri de gris, punem compozitia de branza, o nivelam frumos cu o spatula si punem si a 2a foaie de aluat.
O ungem cu galbenusul batut si o intepam cu furculita. Coacem placinta aprox 50-60 de min la 170C, pana se rumeneste frumos la suprafata. O lasam sa se raceasca, apoi o taiem felii. Eu o pudrez fie cu indulcitor pudra, fie cu faina de cocos :) Pofta mare!
*Baby-friendly: omiteti indulcitorul
One thing you don’t kow about me is that I do NOT like puff pastry, but I do love tender crust & shortbread :) This tender crust sweet cheese pie is amazing, I guarantee it will become one of your favorite :) With a rich, cheesy filling and the almost famous tender crust, it’s absolutely YU-MMY! :)
Tender crust:
- 200 g butter
- 450 g flour + extra for kneading
- 50 g stevia erithritol (optional)
- 2 eggs
- 150 g sour cream
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1-2 tbsp semolina
- 1 egg yolk for the topping
- 600 g fat cottage cheese
- 300 g cheese
- 100 g cream cheese
- 50 g semolina
- 7 eggs
- 150 g stevia erythritol (to taste)
- 100 g raisins
- 2 tbsp rum
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- zest of 1 lemon
For the filling mix the eggs and sweetener, ad the curmbled cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese. You can use any cheese combination you like(it should sum up to 1 kg), even only cottage cheese :)
Mix a little more, then add the rest of the ingredients: semolina (it absorbs the liquids), raisins soaked in rum, vanilla and grated lemon zest.
The tender crust is prepared like this: mix the cold butter cut into cubes, eggs, sour cream, flour, baking powder until a ball of dough forms. Knead the dough manually on a surface dusted with flour, until smooth. Divide in 2 and roll each part into a rectanglar sheet.
Grease a rectangular tray (approx 24*35 cm) with a little oil, line with baking paper and gently place the first dough sheet on the bottom. Sprinkle the 1-2 tablespoons of semolina, then add the filling, level nicely and place the second dough sheet.
Grease with egg yolk and poke with a fork. Bake for 50-60 min in the preheated oven at 170 C, until it turns lovely golden brown. Let it cool first, then slice and enjoy. I also like to powder it with coconut flour or powdered sweetner :)