O placinta foarte satioasa si gustoasa, extrem de versatila: poate fi servita la micul dejun, la pachet, poate fi un pranz pe fuga alaturi de o salata bogata sau chiar cina :) Placinta cu branza sarata si marar, low carb si fara gluten. E una din placintele noastre sarate preferate, foarte gustoasa si usor de facut, in 5 min ai compozitia gata, o bagi la cuptor si astepti :)


  • 250g branza de vaci
  • 300g branza de burduf
  • 3 oua
  • 300g iaurt gras
  • 1 legatura de marar

Batem ouale, faramitam branza de burduf si tocam marunt mararul, apoi amestecam bine toate ingredientele cu o spatula. De sare nu e nevoie, pentru ca branza de burduf e oricum sarata. Ungem cu unt o tava dreptunghiulara (20*30 cm) si o tapetam cu hartie de copt.

Punem compozitia in tava, o nivelam frumos si coacem placinta cam 45-50 de minute la 170C, pana se rumeneste la suprafata. O lasam sa se raceasca, apoi o taiem felii. Pofta mare!

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This savory cheese & dill pie is one of our favorites because it’s very versatile: it can be served at breakfast, on the go snack or even dinner next to a large salad. Also super easy to make, you make the mixture in 5 min, put it in the oven and then just wait :)


  • 250 g cottage cheese
  • 300 g bellows cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 300 g full fat yogurt
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill

Whisk the eggs, crumble the 2 types of cheese, finely chop the dill and then just mix well all the ingredients. Grease a pan with butter and line with baking paper, then pour the mixture into the pan. There’s no need of salt, the bellows cheese is salty enough.

Level the mixture with a spatula, then bake for 45-50 min in the preheated oven at 170 C, until nicely golden and firm on the surface. Slice only after it’s chilled. Enjoy!

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