Saptamana aceasta suntem la tara si e tare friggg aici, asa ca am pus de-o placinta cu mere si nuca. Atat merele cat si nucile sunt din curtea proprie, as bio as can be :)) Delicioasa si parfumata a iesit placinta mea, ne-a incalzit sufletele mai ceva ca focul din soba! :) Si am facut-o si fara zahar, cu Green Sugar, pentru ca, dupa cum stiti, tin la silueta, cu atat mai mult de cand sunt si mamica :D


  • 1 kg mere
  • 1 pachet foi fine de placinta
  • 100g Green Sugar (dupa gust)
  • 150g stafide brune
  • 150g nuci
  • 2 lgt scortisoara
  • 1 lgt esenta naturala de vanilie
  • 3-4 lg ulei de cocos
  • 1 ou (optional)

Mai intai punem stafidele la rehidratat in putina apa si esenta de vanilie. Dam merele pe razatoare, apoi le punem pe foc intr-o tigaie nonaderenta cu scortisoara si Green Sugar dupa gust (in functie de cat de dulci sunt merele). Dupa ce si-au lasat suficienta zeama si si-au schimbat culoarea, le punem deoparte. Eu nu astept sa scada zeama pentru ca imi place ca aceasta sa patrunda in foi :)

Ungem o tava dreptunghiulara  (20*30cm) cu putin ulei de cocos si intindem usor in ea jumatate din foi. Adaugam merele rase calite, stafidele cu tot cu lichidul in care au stat, nucile tocate si restul foilor. Taiem de pe acum feliile cu un cutit bun pentru a le scoate mai usor la final.

Nu faceti ca mine si ungeti ultimul strat de foi cu putin ulei, altfel se va increti :)) Eu am uns ultima foaie si cu un ou batut. Coacem placinta aprox 35-40 de minute, pana se rumeneste frumos. Pofta mare!


This week we’re at the countryside and it’s so cold here that I just had to make an apple walnut pie :) Both apples and walnuts are from my own yard, as organic as can be :)) The pie turned out susper tasty, it warmed our hearts better than the fire :) And I had to make it sugar-free, because I care about how I look, especially since I am a mommy :)


  • 1 kg apples
  • 1 package fine pastry sheets
  • 100 g stevia based sweetener, to taste
  • 150 g raisins
  • 150 g walnuts
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp natural vanilla essence
  • 3-4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 egg (optional)

First soak the raisins in water and a little vanilla essence. Grate the apples and saute them in a nonstick pan along with the cinnamon and stevia sweetener, to taste. After becoming moist and brown enough, set them aside. I like them with a little liquid because it penetrates into the pastry sheets :)

Grease a rectangular pan (20*30 cm) with a little coconut oil and nicely arrange half of the pastry sheets on the bottom. Add the grated apples, raisins and soaking liquid, chopped walnuts and the other half of the pastry sheets. Cut the pie into squares, to ease portioning in the end. Grease the last sheets with a little coconut oil and a beaten egg. Bake for about 35-40 min, until nicely golden. Enjoy!

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