De 1 decembrie am pregatit, pe langa traditionalele: salata de vinete, zacusca, platou rece cu sunculita, branza si ceapa, fasole cu ciolan la slowcooker (am fi vrut la ceaun, ins nu ne-a ajutate vremea de afaar), muraturi siiiii in premiera placinte cu branza la tigaie :) Super extra mega bune, au avut mare succes! :) La multi ani, draga Romanie!
Ingrediente (8 buc):
- 500g faina
- 250ml apa calduta
- 3 lg ulei de masline
- 1 pliculet de drojdie (10g)
- 1 lgt miere
- 1 lgt sare
- 300g telemea
- 100g cascaval
- ulei pentru uns tigaia
Punem apa calduta (nu fiebinte), drojdia, lingurita de miere si 2 linguri din faina intr-un bol, amestecam bine si lasam totul la temperatura camerei timp de 15 min. Folosind mixerul cu bol si carligul pentru aluat, pornim robotul sa framante si adaugam faina, uleiul de masline, sarea.
Vom framanta aprox 7-8 min cu mixerul, pana aluatul e neted si elastic. Punem aluatul intr-un bol uns cu ulei pe care il acoperim cu folie alimentara si il lasam la loc caldut timp de o ora sau pana isi dubleaza volumul.
Pentru umplutura maruntim branza telemea cu furculita si radem cascavalul pe razatoare, apoi le amestecam bine.
Modelam 8 bile din aluat, le intindem pe fiecare, adaugam din compozitia de branza si cascaval, le impaturim bine si le mai intindem cu sucitorul. Trebuie sa fie cat mai subtiri pentru a se coace bine. Le coacem in tigaie la foc mic, cu capacul pus, pana sunt facute inauntru. Adaugam ulei dupa fiecare placinta. Sunt delicioase si calde si reci ;) Pofta mare!
*Reteta inspirata de aici.
For this year’s National Holiday, other than the traditional eggplant dip, ham, cheese, onion, beans and pickles, I prepared for the first time skillet cheese cakes : So delicious, they were a huge hit! Happy birthday, my dear country!
Ingredients (8 pcs):
- 500 g flour
- 250 ml lukewarm water
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 sachet of yeast (10 g)
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tsp salt
- 300 g fresh cheese
- 100 g cheddar
- oil for greasing the pan
Place in a bowl the lukewarm water, honey, yeast and 2 tablespoons of flour. Using the stand mixer with hook attachment, start the kneading mode, adding gradually the flour, olive oil and salt.
We’ll knead for about 7-8 min, until the dough is smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a bowl greased with oil, wrap in clingfilm and let it rise for 1 our, or until it doubles in size.
For the filling mash the fresh cheese with a fork, grate the cheese and combine the 2.
Mold 8 balls out of the dough, add the mixture in the center, fold them and flatten them with the rolling pin. They have to be thin to cook easily. Cook on each sides until done with the lid on. They are delicious both warm and cold. Enjoy!